Trading Card Game Questionaire

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5:30pm Feb 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 145

I'm getting serious about finally trying to publish a card game after years of creating monsters and thinking up game mechanics...

I'd like to know a little about the TCG's you play and what makes them so attractive to you.

Is it the card design? The Artwork? The way the game system works?

On the other hand, I'm very interested in what you don't like about various card games!

This isn't an invitation to drool over/ hate on various franchises but rather critique the ups and downs of card games from over the years.

Feel free to post about any card game be it considered popular, dorky or just plain old unheard of. I'm very interested!!

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9:52pm Feb 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 917
Okay, I'm in love with collecting cards because of the art. I own quite a bit of Pokemon cards, and my favorite cards are the ones that look drop dead gorgeous, not my favorite Pokemons. Same goes for YGO cards. Amazing art, in my opinion would appeal to anybody, even those people who really don't like/don't gt the game.
For the game to be appealing to me, it has to be understandable. xD I don't play the PKMN TCG because I can't make out the rules. There are damage counters, energy cards, trainer cards, etc and I can't seem to make any sense of it, so I simply play without those complicated cards, which really makes the simple 50 hp damage to my opponent less exciting I guess. ^_^;
YGO, on the other hand, I could follow along, but I didn't get it, until I play YGO for the DS. I learned from playing the DS game that this card couldn't be used now, or you have to sacrifice these cards to get that. Now, I totally understand it, unless if it is YGO 5G's. xDDD
I really don't like to learn new complicated rules, but after I do get them, the game is fun, but if the art is amazing, I'm probably going to consider buying a few cards. This is the understanding of a 14 year old girl, by the way. ^_^;


1:41pm Feb 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 498
I agree with Ruru, I don't play the Pokemon TCG because I don't understand the rule, but I do collect the cards cuz I love the design and the way they look. I did play YGO but I lost my cards under my bed (even my favorite card T_T). I actually like playing Xeno because they take actual animals that are alive now and animals from the past and make them have different moves and things like that I think they also use fantasy animals like Cerberus. If you do make some I might get some, and I turn 20 this year so....

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1:54pm Feb 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 145
Okay, thankyou! I'll have to be sure and make the cards pretty!! Feel free to post again if you think of anything further.

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