Welcome to my new thread, here I will be trying something new. I don't know if its been done before, its a idea I came up with.
Here's how it works, im going to be writing a story, I will write the prologue and the first paragraph. After that if you would like me to continue donate any amount of tu, for each person who donates a amount, I will write one paragraph for each person. You cannot space it out through the day, however many time or little amount you donate, it counts as one paragraph that I will write for my story for that person. I would like generous amounts so I can enjoy writing while earning tu. All proceeds will go toward my dream goal of a r-ray.
I also thought It would be nice to let everyone know who contributed to my goal and how much they donated. This I will post right below, thank everyone who is helping me by donating! ^^
User Amount Donated
Gravy: 1,000,000 tu
You wander around looking for the entrance. You heard about it from the whispering partins at the local inn. The great annual 2 month long races. You got excited and knew you had to find it. But you did not know what awaited you at the entrance. Its said to be guarded by two massive forms. You don't worry though at the time as you just want to find where the races are. All you knew as you listened in on the partins conversations was it was located in the deep woods of Atquati. You wonder how such a race could fit there but a lot of creatures are there too and you have to search all day before finding one. You continue on until you come to a worn down path. It looks recently used and you never seen it here before. And yet you walk by this spot everyday to go to the springs. You step forward about to chance your luck walking down it when two massive forms step out from behind a tree on either side.
One is a white and offset grey coloring and the other is a dark grey almost black with silver hair lining some of the outer edges, giving the beast a defined look. The dark one was smirking, the white one was silent and appeared to not even have a mouth. Where both of there eyes should have been was a Smokey essence flowing around inside and a tendril flowing out, the tendril extended to about 3 feet before it would slow and condenses at the end, they moved about feeling around and would curl at the touch of some objects near by. The dark one turns it one of it eyes towards you and beckons with a tendril, the white one wait patiently. The black one heads down the path and turns back, one of its tendrils beckons like a finger and you decide to follow, soon after you start following the white ones comes in behind, as all three of you go down the path, the foliage around the entrance closes in and covers the path, you then knew why you never saw it before. A few seconds later you come into a clearing, here you here all kinds of noises as creatures go walking by in gear and owners follow behind, and just normal people walking about. Just as you turn and watch the forms of the two shapes disappear back into the undergrowth a nearby speaker starts to crackle and a announcer comes on and you decide to listen as you read the banner overhead of you connecting to one of the post the speaker is on.
"Welcome to the Races!"
Announcer: "Ladies and gentleman, and creatures of all shapes and sizes, Welcome to the annual 2 month long races!
This year we have many creatures competing for the races. Usually the races are centered around land loving creatures, but this year we will include flying creatures. The main races will be centered around one creature in the flying races and one in the land races. Please enjoy your stay and don't forget, there's a donation box right by the entrance of the entrance. Stop by it on your way out. But remember this don't think about stealing it, the guardians will get you. So please mind your manners!" *The announcer clicks off the microphone and the sound of the warning horns for the first race getting to start begins.*
Me: The first chapter will be centered around a land creature, after I feel this chapter is done, I will switch to a air creature. And as I consider how it would go I may consider a water creature race.