7:58pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 8:01pm Jun 15 2010)
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I hate it when people don't take the time to use correct grammar or like to use too much chat speak. Like, "hi can i plz buy that?????" I also hate it when people use too much punctuation. Like, "HEY!!!!!!!! IM SELLING AWESOME STUFF!!!!!" I have many pet peeves, but I can't seem to think them all up. So, what are your pet peeves?
8:56pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 8:56pm Jun 15 2010)
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People who give me DKSPs when I ask for DKs in trades. 8C Or people who offer flowers for valuable stuff in trades.
9:30pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 165
Caya you hit mine. I mean I only misspell certain words on purpose. Like eggers in place of eggs, ohnoes, and other cutsie mistakes. But when the time calls for it I can fight my urges and correctly spell all of my words, and if I know that I have misspelled a word and I really don't know how to spell it correctly I will always put (SP?) at the end so I can get someone to give me the correct spelling. I am however guilty of useing too many !'s at times, but that's only when I am SUPER hyper and can't help it. Or when I do my MUHAHA laugh then I will but a small excessive amount of !'s. Or when I'm freakin' out and then I use the whole: ?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!. But those are acceptable right? Oh! I have another. When you have rules on your thread and people totally byp*censored* them and post while disobeying them in the process.
|~| RF: 12 |~|
Iluvu & Kioka Eggers
9:27am Jun 16 2010
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Auryon: Yeah. I do that too. :) I mean the people who use 'gtg', or 'plz'--The text message talk. I always use the 'Eggers' thing, etc. x3 And yes, I hate it when people completely ignore the rules of your thread. >:C It's so annoying. Pri: I know. D:< Do they actually think your going to trade your item for junk?
9:31am Jun 16 2010 (last edited on 9:32am Jun 16 2010)
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Posts: 156
My pet peeve is when people make a big deal about spelling and grammar and whatnot outside a professional environment
3:24pm Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 853
My pet peeve is when people have pet peeves about my pet peeves. >_>
3:25pm Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 620
My pet peeve is the phrase 'pet peeve' because there's just too many 'e's in it. Dx
4:28pm Jun 16 2010
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7:24pm Jun 16 2010
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My pet peeve- When people just post the dern HTML code. And when people go: "OMG!!!!111!!!1!!" Another pet peeve of mine is hearing Beiber sing >(
7:55pm Jun 16 2010
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10:22pm Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 165
@Flammable I really hope that you aren't talking about us because good grammer is important. I use Res and other pet sites as an escape from my real life stress and drama. So I would rather not have to spend FOREVER trying to dechipher a post where they tlk liek dis nd abbrvt evry other wrd. I don't need that kind of stress on my brain when I'm trying to relax. Also, it takes no more than a few seconds and key strokes to properly spell your words.
|~| RF: 12 |~|
Iluvu & Kioka Eggers
11:07pm Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 1
Beiber is totally gay...I am with ya there Alice
4:39am Jun 17 2010
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My pet peeve is when someone has over three rp charries on one thread and doesn't keep up with them all.
1:27pm Sep 1 2010
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Posts: 91
Mines when i ask if anybody wants to buy a cirtain pet and they get confused and offer me the kind of pet i was trying to sell.
Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.
~George Eliot
5:10pm Sep 1 2010 (last edited on 5:10pm Sep 1 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
Eh. I don't really see why there's always this big freakout on typing either. xD Yes, it's silly-looking to see someone talk like that, but getting so upset over it? The people who do that really aren't any different than someone with perfect spelling. They just either can't type quickly and find it easier to shorten, or they could type normally but choose not to. Usually for the same reason as the slow typers.. or just to be a troll toward people who get mad about it. ;P 'Sides, chatspeak isn't that much of a burden, is it? It's not like they're doing full-out leetspeak. Reading chatspeak just takes a few extra seconds of your time - the same reason you give for them not to do it, eh?
5:12pm Sep 1 2010
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Posts: 2,440
I dont enjoy propper grammar ;( it's my petpeeve. Especially when people freak out on me about it. I mean it doesnt even matter... -im probably going to get flamed for this..-

Click please<3
7:16pm Sep 1 2010
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Posts: 4,685
My pet peeve is bad grammar and terrible spelling too. xD I never (well, maybe sometimes but thats only when i'm in a rush) misspell anything because my computer automatically underlines misspelled words in red. And whenever I see that line I correct my spelling. c:
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
7:23pm Sep 1 2010 (last edited on 7:25pm Sep 1 2010)
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Posts: 853
I actually find it uber annoying when people "chat speak" just because. I mean, the ones who write normally a majority of the time, and then only do it when they say dumb stuff cuz that makes it cute or something? Like they're just mocking themselves and people who talk like that on purpose. It's just so... I dunno. "Liek" bugs me the most. I mean, I'm not a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious grammar freak (well, maybe a little.). But it still bugs me. i mean sometimes i don't capitalize and i know that bugs some people. And Shad, I wont flame you. But holy cow. I mean. I have to suffer through people in a professional environment typing like dolts and I wanted to be an English major and aaaagghhh. See, though, I don't even shorten things when I text. Never have. Not even when I didn't have a full alphabet keypad... it's just rooted into my being. So, in short; it matters to meeeeee. ]; Now. For another peeve: EMO. And not so much the music, because heh, I think emo music is funny. It makes me laugh. "how could this happen to meeeeee". Hehe. Tragic. But the fact that pre-teens are still obsessed with how "cool" it is to be "misunderstood" and have hair in their eyes and mascara and SKINNY JEANS. I mean, yeah, all the little teenagers go through that "phase" or are all "brainwashed" but really, now. I thought it had finally stopped. Make it go awaaaayyy. *dyes hair black and puts on a ma.ss amount of mascara so she can go to the corner to cry because nobody understands the DARK BLEEDING PAIN OF HER HEART'S ROSEY THORNS OF DEATH. OR SOMETHING*

12:10am Sep 2 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Hrmm, i have a few, but the biggest ones are spelling and grammar as well XD When people say bands sellout (Excluding the most extreme few cases) and then they start fights over the internet *facepalm* And my friends weird obsession while screaming randomly o.O
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:00am Sep 2 2010
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Posts: 3,642
Hm. That kinda brings up one that does bother me a little. The people who always, no matter what, use cutesy words, like 'ish' for 'is'. Even in a little more serious of a situation. Talking about a bug on the site? They'll just keep on talking like a baby. And I realised a really big one last night. xD Dishessssss. I hate it when someone else loads the dishwasher badly. Two bowls that are too close together aren't gonna get clean. The spoons should always face upward, and same-shape silverware should never be put together in the same silverware-slot. They always line up on top of each other and end up blocking the water, making it a big nasty mess that I have to spend ten minutes fixing so I can run them right.