What annoys you

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5:03pm Jan 30 2011

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Posts: 6,296
Illiteracy ticks me off A LOT. In my mind, I always think, 'What, are you four years old??!'


5:04pm Jan 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 249

What annoys me?

Well when people are mean to my Pets! IT IS NOT COOL DUDE! Yes I have been in a situation were people were being mean to my pets (like saying mean stuff) and it really pisses me off. Ok I should tell the story now. Well I have quit alot of pets in my house and one of them is my first dog. Her name is Daisy and she is a Chihuahua, I love her so much like a mother loves her daughter. Daisy is like my best friend and I care so much for her. One day I was at school with my friends and one of them says "Wouldnt it be funny if Daisy had a seizure?". So I get affended by this comment because I dont think it would be funny I think it would be very sad. So I say back "No it wouldnt be funny, it would be sad". And they reply "Yes it would, it would be funny if daisy was on the ground having a big seizure". I couldnt take it anymore because this was starting to hurt my feelings so I just walked away from them. But they started following me saying "What did I do?". I was now annoyed with them so I ignored them and just walked around the school by myself because all my friends were being mean to my Dog. From that day on I have wondered why that one person who made the comment is still my friend because at school all we do is fight. I have to admit but I rather Daisy then that friend and I am glad that I have Daisy because other wise I would probably have nobody to tell when things like that happen.

I also dont like posh people who think they can have whatever they want and they think they are better then everybody else.


5:14pm Jan 30 2011 (last edited on 6:38pm Jan 30 2011)

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Posts: 94
Fullmoon I fixed up my grammar for you.

8:32pm Jan 30 2011

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Posts: 25

I'm annoyed because this site is hard to navigate. :L



12:39am Jan 31 2011 (last edited on 12:42am Jan 31 2011)

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Posts: 3,642

Personally, I find the whole.. freaking out over literacy thing itself a little annoying. x3 Yah, it's fine to say it in pa-ssing or think it, but I've seen way too much outright hostility over it. Especially around here, hah.

I 'member it was practically a fad at one point to go around telling people to grammar up, or GET OUT AND DON'T TALK TO ME EVER. IT'S A RULE TO BE LITERATE, KID. YOU SHOULD BE BANNED.


10:07pm Feb 10 2011 (last edited on 10:08pm Feb 10 2011)

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Posts: 2,282
I also cant stand obbessed justin bieber fans, i mean its not like i 'm going to kill him! Not everyone in the world will argee with you, so its best not to care what other people think than go psycho.


4:45pm Feb 11 2011

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Posts: 316
I can't stand people who think they're funny. And when they do, they put XDXDXDXD at the end of the post. I have no idea why, but it just annoys me. And alot.

Kir quest is Ginger Vaspi. Selling? rmail me. (17/120)

10:21pm Feb 11 2011

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Posts: 678

What annoys me? That people are idiots and don't listen to me and I'm always ignored.

And that I have no friends right now. I had 3 best friends, but 2 were animals. One was my cat. He died ;_; One was my rat. She also died. And the 3rd is moved away, all the way at the other end of the country.

So life annoys me. I'm sick of it.

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

10:24pm Feb 11 2011

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Posts: 6,165
Kir. Kir annoys the hell out of me. He wants an albino easero. How in the world am I supposed to pull an albino easero out of an egg?

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

10:31pm Feb 11 2011 (last edited on 10:32pm Feb 11 2011)

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Posts: 1,588

the table i have to sit at in chem cl*censored*, i'm stuck at a table, the only girl. also stuck between the two boys who teased me last year. the rest of the boys at the table are not much better.

I'm not even allowed to shift to a different table.


 Lousy tv writers



99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment

2:05pm Feb 13 2011

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Posts: 2,282
Ugh. i also dont like my 5th period cl*censored*.


7:23pm Feb 13 2011

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Posts: 89

There are alot of things that annoy me and i'll name them now. My cl*censored*room *censored*istant I cannot stand her one bit she really does fry my nut in!! I really do feel like punching her! Here are some of the things she said to me ''Grow up.'' ''Get a life.'' ''Wise up.'' and theres this boy in my cl*censored* who annoys me too he called me a b*tch and I told him to f off then he told on me and my cl*censored* room *censored*istant said to me ''How dare you to tell him to f off.'' I think I can't remember and then i said ''But miss, He called me a b*tch.'' and then she said something that really ticked me off making me want to kill her! ''Yea, I wonder why.'' I dislike her strongly. she even thinks shes the teacher ughh.

Loud Noises. I hate them, I don't mind really loud music but whenever i'm doing music in cl*censored* everyone is blowing and squeaking their tin whissles I feel like stabbing them. I tell them to stop and they keep doing it on badness and whenever I talk to my friend's while everyone is squeaking them really loudly like they dont know what they are doing I can't hear a thing or a word.

 My Brothers. I can't stand my two brothers well the oldest one think's he can use my netbook I don't really mind anyone using it but everytime I ask for my netbook he refuses to give to me ''Can I have my netbook back?'' ''No let me use it for awhile.'' ''No I want it now!!'' ''Go away!'' ''It's my netbook I can have back anytime I want.'' ''NO YOU CANT!'' really ticks me off its the same both of them. And the other one pop's in my room and annoys me and whenever i'm on the computer ( I have a Netbook and Computer which i'm thankful for. ) he looks at the screen to see what i'm doing then he laughs at it and whenever i'm covering the screen he's like ''Haha your playing club penguin I don't really care what you're on.'' I really hate club penguin I use to play it all the time when I was 10 but it's too babyish -.- that's why im afraid to draw on paint or do something on gimp because he pop's in the room and sees the computer screen and it get's me embarr*censored*ed.

 Spelling Mistakes! It's really annoying this is why I use my netbook if I type on my keyboard on the computer like really fast I make a spelling mistake or miss a word.

People writing in cap's all the time I find it really annoying like ''HeLLO'' ''OMG YOUR SOOOOO COOL! ADD ME!'' I hate that.



 Well there's more but I couldnt be bothered lol.



9:22pm Feb 13 2011

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Posts: 2,282
Your brothers are awful,GoatNinja99


9:26am Feb 14 2011

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Posts: 89

I know...


7:38am Feb 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 89

Here are some more things that annoy me

People who tell on me in school. It really bothers me it just makes me want to punch that person there this girl I really hate she is annoying she smells terrible she shouts all the time

 People who make fun of wolves SERIOUSLY its not right! I LOVE WOLVES!



12:39am Feb 19 2011

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Posts: 2,282
Wow. i know an annoying person too.


12:41am Feb 19 2011

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Posts: 6,800
Liars. Liars annoy me.



6:19pm Feb 24 2011

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Posts: 2,282

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