Graveyardfox: It doesn't make me feel any better knowing that a higher up agrees with your actions, it only disappoints me more. I was under the impression that support members ought to know why certain rules exist, the theory behind them rather than just the fact that they exist. In that case, I would expect you to understand the reasoning behind not being allowed to jump into a fan club topic and post negative things regarding, such as saying "I hate Zelda" in the Zelda fan club. I would go into why, but I think Ping did a good job explaining it.
I would have expected a support member to, rather than adding fuel to the fire by coming in and saying "that's life" and then elaborating on why Ninjago is bad (and doing so in a way that doesn't really offer itself up as an opinion but as fact), to instead lock the topic and suggest moving it to a more appropriate forum (ie fan clubs). Maybe I'm old-fashioned though.