Will anyone help me with the art program SAI?

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5:16pm Sep 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Yeah....I recently downloaded SAI and since I'm always a failure at art, I'm also horrible at this program. ;P Thanks to my friend, I figured out how to do lineart and stuff.  After I finished the lineart, I saved it and exited SAI to go play on Rescreatu and get my mind away from the confusing (for me) program.  Now I want to try and color the lineart.  I reopened the lineart and, using the bucket tool, attempted to fill in the shell of the turtle I was drawing.  Instead of filling in just that section of the shell, the whole entire picture was filled.  I don't know if it has something to do with there only being one la
yer, because I've never understood that.  Layers have always been a trouble for me.  Can anyone help me learn how to color in a picture on SAI and explain to me how layers work?


5:41pm Sep 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 917
Layers actually helps you color on SAI. It prevents the colors from smudging on eachother. I normally outline the thing I want colored with the marker tool on SAI, then fill it with a bucket. That way, it won't fill all over the place.


5:55pm Sep 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
I made a lineart la
yer to create the lineart (there was no marker tool for it...the only brushes were the curves and lines).  I don't know basically anything about layers though, so I'm very confused. XD I don't exactly know how to make the la
yer in a way that won't make the bucket fill up the whole canvas.  Thank you for helping. ^^


4:45am Sep 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Ew.... Never use the bucket tool. I hate that tool, everything gets all pixelated and stuff when you fill things in. I prefer colouring things by hand. If you ever do use that horrid thing, use the the magic wand (correct me if there's no such thing, I haven't used SAI in a while) to select the inside of the lineart.

Don't do everything on one la
yer, organise your layers. Make sure the lineart la
yer is on top, make a new base colour la
yer and then a shading la
yer on top of your base colour la
yer that's set on 'multiply'.


Feel the love man D:<


3:00pm Sep 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Thanks Ping. ^^ It helped a lot.  I have tried to color in with only a mouse (with the doodle program in Xat which has horrible color selection and no bucket tool so I was forced to), but I kind of failed.  I will try though- and yes, SAI has the selection wand.  Thank you.  I will try the three layers. =)


3:40pm Sep 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 8
I agree with Ping. It's better to color it in by hand so that there aren't white (or whatever color your bg is) lines on the inside of your lineart. I have SAI as well, but I haven't used it yet. However, the layering system is common to most graphics programs.


3:43pm Sep 8 2009 (last edited on 6:38pm Sep 8 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 6,216

I first tried layering when I got Paint.net and gave up on it (which I know was a stupid thing to do).  Then I got GIMP and didn't even attempt layers then.  But when I got SAI, I wanted to try again.  I'll try coloring by hand. =3

EDIT: Ah, got it.  Thanks so much. ^_^


5:45am Sep 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Sorry but, I don't think you understand the concept of layers.They're really simple. If you don't use them in digital art, you are most likely going to be spending hours undoing mistakes. Y'see, if you draw on a la
yer that is underneath another la
yer, the junk on the bottom la
yer will appear underneath the top la
yer. It's simple.


Feel the love man D:<


2:39pm Sep 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216

Yeah, I know I don't understand it well. >.< I'm trying though.  I used the three la
yer method like you said to make a last minute contest entry for Geo's contest....I got dragged off the computer before I could fully finish shading and fixing things though. ;P I know it's not the best, but eh.  I'm only a child. XD


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