Now, for my showroom:
4 Aheas Names: Balerane, GoodDay, Dolio, and SepiaKingdoms
1 Aukira Names: Cannoner
1 Berrok Names: Brockster
2 Chimbys Names: CarrotJuice, and Mandor
4 Drindians Names: Dacha, Meres, Schisa, and Scritian
1 Gondra Names: SepiaKingdom
1 Malal Names: ItsShowTime
1 Meiko Names: Adanea
5 Meragons Names: Alanne, Chincy, GoodGlory, Heartte, and OIivia
2 Mirabilis Names: Dentro, and RandomHeart
2 Myotis Names: Klary, and Nashe
3 Otachie Names: AnnaBanana, Huggabug, and Soler
1 Paor Names: Ternan
2 Sirleons Names: Finnew, and Shinka
1 Skaldyr Names: Amden
2 Tesuris Names: Moscot, and Sillabub
1 Valabex Names: Muror
1 Veram Names: Kirinina
2 Zaphao Names: Kismes, and SmuckersJam