-- CS Item Exchange -- Pay with Narwi!

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9:16am Jan 20 2013 (last edited on 9:19am Jan 20 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 36

My offer of Narwi: I have 3 natural Narwi's with names in my showroom : Naleigh (f), Narwally (m), and Narweena (f). I also have three 2 day old unhatched Narwi eggs
What I want from the Cash Shop: I would love a Shaefu egg or a natural colored Jelly Bean
Other: Thank you for doing this. It is very generous of you. :)

ETA: I'm headed offline for a couple of hours. I bookmarked the thread so I can come back and reply later. :)


9:21am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,938

Vestele; Adding up the three eggs would do 7,5million, and with the naturals.. Why not.
I'll send you the natural Jelly Bean :3 Also I'm sorry, but I cant buy Shaefu eggs with Credits. They are only buyable with Cash Points which I dont have.. ^^'


9:29am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,938

Thanks a lot Twiggs for the generous bunch of Narwi! ;u;

Also big thank you for Albi for trading me their Calico Narwi!

Ilu guys <3


9:30am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 36
OmenaApple : Thank You. :) I didn't realize that about the Shaefu eggs (looked too quick) I'll just save up a bit so I can purchase a Shaefu egg at the end of the month. :)

I'm running out the door. I will send you over the eggs and Narwi's before I go. :)

9:31am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,938

Alright, thank you Vestele for trading! :3


9:33am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 36
You are welcome. Did they get to you okay?

9:52am Jan 20 2013

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Posts: 1,938

Yup, the pets came trough just fine ;3 Thanks!


11:23am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
My offer of Narwi: Unnamed Cream Narwi, and Two Narwi Eggs.
What I want from the Cash Shop: Trance Potion ;w;
Other: (Anything you'd want to mention :3)

Sorry for the small font, my computer has it as a default. ;o;


11:26am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,938

Florence; Cream narwi would probs be around 2,5- 3mil max, and narwi eggs are
around 2-2,5mil a pop. Even with them all together, 5-6mil isnt enough to buy an 
Trance Potion, they are worth 11,3 mil. Sorry. >.<


11:36am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 256
My offer of Narwi14 narwi eggs and 1 mutant narwi
What I want from the Cash Shop: RMP & trance potion
Otherif i did my math right, that's 50mil altogether at 2.5mil per narwi egg equaling 35mil then plus 15mil for the mutant? I'd like 2 of each which would get me to like 46mil worth of stuff. and an extra 4mil leftover?
correct me if i'm wrong. :3

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11:49am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 783
Hi Omena!  I have a Frosted Albino Narwi that I would trade.  I value it at 40M.  I'd take name tags, NCJB, and morphing potions that added up to the amount if you are interested.  Let me know.


11:51am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,938

Hello Judge; Im sorry, but as you could see from the first page, I think i cant afford trading
so many CS items that would be worth the Narwi anymore (; Im specifically looking for two
dyed Narwi, so I kind of have to save the rest of the little amount of Credits i have left <3
Thanks for the offer, though! <3


11:58am Jan 20 2013

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Posts: 783
xD  It's no problem!  I just wanted to offer it.  Let me know if you change your mind!


9:24pm Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 783
Hi Omena....I have a Rose Narwi.  Still interested?  If so, let me know and we'll work something out.


10:40pm Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,938

Yes please, Judge (: Rose is the last narwi color that I still need to obtain. I have 115 credits left and that is honestly all the wealth left to my name, (excluding pets or course). What item(s) you'd like for exchange of the rose (:?


4:54pm Jan 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 783
Hi Omena!  Sorry for the late post.  Well, I'd love to have either a Trance Potion or a Random Morphing Potion, but both would be a bit in overpay.  If not, I'd take either a NCJB plus 1M tu or a Name Tag plus 2M tu.

Which of these works best for you?

Let me know and I'll send over the Narwi when you are ready.

Glad to be able to put the finishing touches on your collection!


11:43pm Jan 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,938

Judge; I have both really low Credits and TU, so I'd love the NCJB/Tag offer. o3o Which of them
would you prefer, since its pretty much the same for me? (: Thanks for rmailing me as well, 
I really appreciate how there are still some polite people left in Res ^.^


7:03am Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 783
Hi Omena!  I will take the NCJB and 1M.

Send them over along with a name for the Narwi.  She is female.


11:39am Jan 22 2013

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Posts: 783

You have sent your creatu Renial to OmenaApple.

12:14pm Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,938

Thank you SO much, Judge!
And of course everyone  who made my dream come true! ~ ;u;

I love you guys! <3

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