[Extensive Showroom Clearout] !!!

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1:26am Jun 30 2014 (last edited on 2:03pm Jul 2 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 195
FYI: If you have any Pokemon names that you're willing to part with I'd definitely consider them in any offers.

So I've finally deciided to buckle down and start completing some of my goals for all of the pets I have, but basically I'm broke so I'm selling a lot of things. There's a bunch of poorly organized creatu in my tle="" target="">rancher, but I'm really advertising most everything in my showroom atm.

Those are a few of the highlights, color- and creatu-wise, but there are a bunch of pretty neat names in there too. In regards to stuff in the other categories, I'm honestly not as eager to make a profit off of them, and there are more than a few that are a definite no. My Pokemon names are probably not going anywhere, same with any pets in the "Finished" category. Seriously, you would need insane offers.

Also, selling an Uldavian Dye Kit.


7:54am Jun 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783
Hi Wandita!  Prices on Adverse, Ewe, Plus, Git, and Hottest please....

9:31am Jun 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 432
I know you have to offer but how much do you want for the jahra?


11:33am Jun 30 2014 (last edited on 11:48am Jun 30 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 195
Plus: 50mil
Git: 25mil
Hottest: 30mil, but when bought with Coldest 50mil.

I could do a little less than the shop price. Maybe 26mil?


11:36am Jun 30 2014


Posts: 2,165
Price range on Cogwheel? :3


11:36am Jun 30 2014 (last edited on 11:37am Jun 30 2014)


Posts: 2,165
Stupid double posts :I


11:48am Jun 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 195
Cogwheel would be 15mil. :3


1:23pm Jun 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783
Aw darn.  Was most interested in Ewe.  Thanks though.

1:56pm Jun 30 2014


Posts: 2,165
I'll buy that one then please~ Sending tu ^^


8:34pm Jun 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 195
Alright, sent! Thank you for your patronage. :D

Also, I would really prefer for people that want to contact me to post on this thread so that I can keep track of things, as opposed to rmailing. Thank you!!


10:03pm Jun 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
pice on Fia and kau?


10:12pm Jun 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 195
I'm stumped on Kau. I'll say that my range is around 21milish? xD
As for Fia, I'm not quite sure either. 35mil?


10:48pm Jun 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
a tad too high for me sorry and good luck selling


7:20am Jul 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 338
Squee!  I'd happily pay 21 mil for Kau, is that your price?
(Gives Gabriel a quick cuddle)   :D ♥


11:33am Jul 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 195
That'd be great, Jzbelle! I'll send it over. :D


1:22pm Jul 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 338
Sorry for the delay, Tu is sent, and thank you so much!


6:16am Jul 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 314
I'm interested in Ageless and Calculate. Would you take 40m for the pair?


1:19pm Jul 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 195
I could let go of Calculate for 30mil, but I'm looking for a very good offer for Ageless.


1:40pm Jul 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 259

Looking into prices for Catesby, Ageless, Parent, Splenda, & Veggie Please

I am very interested in Veggie and Splenda

Selling Zaps for 50k Each! Rmail me...

5:05pm Jul 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 195
I'll still need a really good offer for Ageless but I don't have anything in particular in mind.
Catesby: offer?
Parent: 50mil
Splenda: offer?
Veggie: 30mil

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