[LF] Books, Food, Squishies for Vital

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4:40pm Dec 8 2024 (last edited on 4:43pm Dec 8 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 116

Vital's going to be a more longer term project for me. 
My goal is to have Vital's stats over 90% in all 3 categories, books, nourishment and squishies.

Please Note
**I'm not looking for the big ticket items off the bat, I'd like to start on the lower end 5m per and under items first and work my way up.** 
I will update this portion as the value of items I'm looking for goes up.
The exception is books obviously books, Rmail me and we can work out a borrow price and replace price accordingly since he only has a limited number or books left to read.

To ease the search, here are the links to his stats. If you have anything he needs don't hesitate to Rmail me with prices.

What I have to offer is TU or I can also trade anything in my merchant. Feel free to browse around and see if there is anything in there that interests you. 

Thank you in advanced for helping me reach my goal <3 
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