**Name searches will take a while now, since life is still busy for me.**
Yes, just name your own price.I understand TU is hard to come by (and hard to let go) at times.
So go ahead and price how much each name search would cost.
(Like x amount of TU per name to be searched)
Honestly, you can charge however much you want.
It's entirely optional to tip me.
There's slots. Oh yes.
Because my head would be spinning if people request a bunch of names at once.
I'm limiting about 3 names per slot/person.
le slots:
for now.
May open more slots if someone doesn't use the entire 3 name limit.
Has yet to pay:
No one
I would rather have people rmail me the names to be searched.
Just like any other Name Searcher, I'm not the fastest and I can't guarantee I'll find the name (sometimes).
So I would prefer you pay me after.
Name finding accuracy: 82/82
Longest time to search for a name: About 6 hours.
Shortest time to search: About 5 minutes.
Average time: Within 3 hours.