8:15pm Oct 23 2014 (last edited on 1:03pm Dec 7 2014)
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Posts: 122
Hi! I'm collecting every pet and I need your help! I decided making a master list of what I'm missing would be easier than trying to buy from the shoutbox. I'm willing to buy and trade for pets I don't have. Pretty simple right? As of right now I'm not looking too hard to buy any albinos or achromatic pets until I get most of the easier bought colors first, but you are welcome to mention them. So post what you have, what you want for it and we'll go from there :D * Not buying dyes or mutants at this time*
Achromatic: Chimby, Draqua, Gobia, Intes, Meragon, Murren, Otachie, Paor, Quelis, Roditore, Sirleon, Valabex, Drindian, Gondra, Malal, Zaphao, Zenirix
Albino: Ahea, Ardur, Aukira, Berrok, Draqua, Gobia, Intes, Murren, Mirabillis, Myotis, Paor, Quelis, Roditore, Veram, Valabex, Vogar, Malal
That's all for now! Thank you for looking!
https://dragcave.net/user/TaviBear\r\nView my eggs please
8:19pm Oct 23 2014 (last edited on 6:17am Nov 12 2014)
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Posts: 122
https://dragcave.net/user/TaviBear\r\nView my eggs please
8:28pm Oct 23 2014
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Posts: 114
I have a silver valabex, black murren and a ginger meragon in my rancher ^^
7:00am Oct 24 2014
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Posts: 2,131
Silver zaphao c: I have got some more on your list, but I'm tired and it's late.
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
7:17am Oct 24 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 122
Name and price Zoe?
https://dragcave.net/user/TaviBear\r\nView my eggs please
8:25pm Oct 24 2014 (last edited on 8:32pm Oct 24 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 500
Ok. I have a Albino Meiko, and a Achromatic Meiko, I can do 55 Mill for the Albino, and 65 Mill for the Achromatic. (Prices based on other prices) Willing to go down a little lower.
Edit: I also have a ginger Meiko. I can do 500k for it. I have a black Quilis and a black Mirabillis. I can do 500k for the Quilis and 500k for the Mira.
Having a Show Room Clean Out! . Selling Albinos, Achromatic\'s, Calico\'s, and dye kit Colored Creatu, Seasonal\'s and MUCH, MUCH more, at the CHEAPEST price!
8:27pm Oct 24 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 257
I have a blonde sirleon and a silver murren :>
8:33pm Oct 24 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 789
I have the following in my rancher:
Black: Ahea 100k, Berrok 40k, Intes 380k, Murren 80k
Ginger: Murren 900k, Otachie 400k, Roditore 2mil, Sirleon 800k and one for 1mil
Silver: Sirleon 5mil
8:34pm Oct 24 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 122
Not really willing to go over 30mil for an albino and 40 over an achro Anthony, that's just too much.
Would you do 4.8 for the Sirleon and maybe 5 for the Murren?
https://dragcave.net/user/TaviBear\r\nView my eggs please
8:36pm Oct 24 2014
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Posts: 500
Ok. Like I said, I was going off of other prices. I can do 30 Mill for the Albino, and 40 Mill for the Achromatic. Did you want the others, too?
Having a Show Room Clean Out! . Selling Albinos, Achromatic\'s, Calico\'s, and dye kit Colored Creatu, Seasonal\'s and MUCH, MUCH more, at the CHEAPEST price!
8:44pm Oct 24 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 122
Would you do 55 for both Anthony? (Albino/Achro)
https://dragcave.net/user/TaviBear\r\nView my eggs please
8:47pm Oct 24 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 500
Sorry, that's a little too low. I'd be happy to do 65 Mill, but that's it. MAYBE 60 Mill, but I want 65 Mill, since I payed a little more then that, but oh well. I need some tu ;P
Having a Show Room Clean Out! . Selling Albinos, Achromatic\'s, Calico\'s, and dye kit Colored Creatu, Seasonal\'s and MUCH, MUCH more, at the CHEAPEST price!
8:51pm Oct 24 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 122
Okay I'll pass then. Thank you for posting.
https://dragcave.net/user/TaviBear\r\nView my eggs please
8:53pm Oct 24 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 500
Fine, I'll do 57 Mill for both.
Having a Show Room Clean Out! . Selling Albinos, Achromatic\'s, Calico\'s, and dye kit Colored Creatu, Seasonal\'s and MUCH, MUCH more, at the CHEAPEST price!
8:59pm Oct 24 2014 (last edited on 4:43pm Oct 25 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 122
Okay sent tu :3 Thank you!
https://dragcave.net/user/TaviBear\r\nView my eggs please
3:17pm Oct 25 2014 (last edited on 3:17pm Oct 25 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 232
Are you buying yet, Panda? Because I have a ginger Quelis.
4:36pm Oct 25 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 122
Sure Yummy, how much are you looking for it c:
https://dragcave.net/user/TaviBear\r\nView my eggs please
5:18pm Oct 25 2014
Posts: 333
I have the Black, Blonde and Ginger Mira for sale in my rancher :) Mail me to haggle if you need.
Forever collecting Drachid creatu & Items!
5:18pm Oct 25 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 165
i have a silver paor rmail if interested.
I have no sig.
5:20pm Oct 25 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 27
I have Black:Berrok, Murren, Ahea Ginger: Meiko
Make an offer if you still need them~~