[ S ] 1 Black Omni, 1 Albino Omni

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4:54pm Nov 23 2013 (last edited on 9:43am Nov 24 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

Yep. I'm selling these precious babies.
They're both well over 1,000 days old.

I will be keeping the names.

I'm attached to them, but I want other people to have the chance to own their dream pets.
I could give them away but I'd regret it later. So at least, getting payment, I can use the tu to buy presents for Christmas and make more people happy. (:
That in mind... I'm really going to be sticky about the prices on these two treasures.

Black Omni

Albino Omni

They're... quite steep prices, I know. I'm very sorry for that too, but these are the prices I'd be "comfortable" with parting them for. Going lower isn't an option at this time, unfortunately. :C

Offers I would accept:
1. Pure TU
2. A mixture of TU and CP (CP is valued at 500,000 TU per 1 CP)
I'd like overpay if you choose this option, and the offer must be primarily TU.
3. Additions of albino or achromatic Paors (or Paor Morphing Potions with albino/achromatic pets) to your offer.
Again, I'd like overpay with more TU than pets for this offer as well.

A few notes:
I won't hold them for whatever reason. It'd run the risk of me thinking about it too much and then changing my mind.
I can't do a payment plan, either. I'm not sending the Omni until I get the full payment, and it's technically considered "holding" the pet...
Did I mention I'm sorry about the prices? ;___; I know it's high and some of you who really want them can't afford the price... I'm sorry. ;____;
I'll put more up here as I think of them. xD

Thanks for your offers and consideration, guys. <3


4:57pm Nov 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 652
Probably bad on my part to suggest you not to sell them. But if you do, best of luck xD


4:58pm Nov 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

I've already worked my brain to do this. xD
I want to give other people the opportunity to own one of their dream pets.


5:04pm Nov 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,792
I'm just going to watch over this thread.


10:45pm Nov 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 611
Good luck to anyone after the black! : )


6:44am Nov 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 608
I'd offer on the black but I'm after a name atm 
good luck bump ^^


6:57am Nov 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,020
Hnng, I wish I had enough for the black omni ;; friendly bump!


11:27am Nov 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
Wow! Those sold pretty quick.

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