[S] Albino Undead Tesuri and More

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12:44pm Sep 27 2014 (last edited on 12:31pm Oct 12 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 255
I've got one of these things:

And I'm selling (that creepy stare is starting to get to me). There are none in rancher shops to base a price off of, so he'll go to whoever offers highest.
He's viewable in my showroom, as are every other creatu in this post.

Other unpriced creatu up for offers:
 Albino with a real name.
Name:  Annalisse
Gender:  Female
Age:  25
Color:  albino
View Detailed Info

 Blonde, has frost light and stardust effects.
Name:  Mellita
Gender:  Male
Age:  80
Color:  blonde
View Detailed Info

 Has frost light and stardust effects.
Name:  Somnos
Gender:  Male
Age:  389
Color:  natural
View Detailed Info

Also selling:
 Asking: 40m
Name:  Zamyra
Gender:  Female
Age:  85
Color:  albino
View Detailed Info

 Asking: 9m SOLD!
Name:  Steffie
Gender:  Male
Age:  50
Color:  blonde
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Silver and ginger creatu can be found in my rancher shop.


1:19pm Sep 27 2014


Posts: 1,586
Can i buy Steffie please


1:46pm Sep 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 255
Sure thing! Just send the 9m to me (or 4.5m now, 4.5 after you receive Steffie if you prefer), and I'll send him right over.

8:12pm Sep 27 2014


Posts: 1,586
Done, thank you!


2:52pm Sep 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 255
Sent him, thanks!

7:39pm Sep 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 122
Hi there would you take 35mil for the Tesuri?

https://dragcave.net/user/TaviBear\r\nView my eggs please

8:23am Oct 3 2014

Normal User

Posts: 255
I'll think about it and get back to you by Monday.

12:00pm Oct 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 89
The albino Tesuri...check my rancher shop, or even my items gallery? I don't have any tu around 35 mil but maybe something else might catch your fancy.

Wolves killed by humans > Humans killed by wolves. STOP IT. Put this in you signature if you love wolves. This can make a difference.

12:30pm Oct 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 255
I'm sorry, I just sold it. I'll edit the first post to reflect as such now.

1:29pm Oct 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 356
Stardust does not work on Iviks. I didn't know if you knew that.

6:24pm Oct 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 236
How Much for this IVIK?
Name:  Somnos
Gender:  Male
Age:  389
Color:  natural
View Detailed Info

3:17pm Oct 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 255
@Lunasparkle. Yes. I am aware that Iviks do not have art for the stardust effect (yet), but he does indeed have the effect from looking at the star (rather than using a stardust urn, which would not work). If/when iviks get art for stardust, it should show up just fine.

@Merlin77 I'm thinking somewhere in the vicinity of 120 mil for the ivik.

11:24am Oct 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 347
20mil for the bino kayoki ? It's for kir so if you are selling it to me, ill tag the name to an unnamed pet afterwards and send it to you?


6:36pm Oct 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 255
It looks like the cheapest albino anything in rancher shops right now is 35 mil, but honestly that seems like a little much. I think 20 mil is fair as long as I get the name back.
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