[S] Aywas & Felisfire [W] Res & wajas

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6:51am Nov 14 2021 (last edited on 1:55pm Dec 8 2021)


Posts: 43
Howdy! I am looking to get rid of a lot from Felisfire. Im sure someone could use all this. 

My current currency: 
FelisFire: 279 Orbs, and 125,893 Energy

All of my items are in my shop on Felisfire, and I currently have 126 felines in tle="" target="_blank" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">My Cryo for sale. Its a 2 digit, beta account and I MIGHT be willing to sell it, if the price is right! (not sure on 2 digits, gonna have to RMail me for negotiations) 

I am hoping to get currency mostly than pets/items.

Currency exchange rates:

1 Orb = 2k Energy
1CP = 1 Mil Tu
1 CWP = 4 Mil WC
1 Orb = 1CWP = 10 CP

1 Orb = 1 CWP = 4 Mil WC
2k En  = 4 Mil WC = 1 CWP = 10 million TU = 10 CP
1 Orb = 1 CWP =  10 CP = 4 Million WC

As I just started on Wajas last month, I am looking for G1-G4 pets you are willing to trade. (Saving up for tokens to create my own Gen 1s)

1 GP = 1 Orb = 10 CP
20,000 En = 1 CP = 1 million TU
2,000 En = 10 mil Tu or 1 En = 5,000 Tu

(mainly just looking for currency exchange, and any Seasonal eggs or seasonal nests) I am also looking for a Regression Ray. 
Current price is 3 billion TU/3,000 CP = 300 Orbs/600k energy = 300 GP/210 million BP

I can Offer 1.5 billion TU as well as orbs, en, bp for the rest. 

Aywas account has been sold.

Hello everyone!
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