Creatu for sale (found in Ranch):
Names for sale (found in Ranch):
Divested - (verb) To strip of clothing, ornament, etc. (Mutant Aukira)
MNU - Abbreviation for Multi-National United, the organization from District 9. (Natural Intes)
Plasmid - (noun) A segment of DNA capable of replication. (Silver Paor)
Slovak - (noun) One of a Slavic people dwelling in Slovakia. (Silver Aukira)
Unshorn - (adj.) Shaggy, unkempt, unshaven. (Mutant Malal)
Possibly selling (found in Showroom):
Rhine - A river in Europe. (Azure Malal)
Shogi - A Japanese two-player strategy board game in the same family as Western chess. (Black Ardur)
Offer well for these, or I won't let them go!
Items for sale (found in Item Gallery):
PLEASE post offers or ask for prices! My prices are not firm, and I will look at all offers! c: I'm still getting used to the new economy, so no offer will really offend me. ;D