[S] Ebilia Spirit!

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11:43am Dec 10 2013 (last edited on 11:43am Dec 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,020

So Im still trying to sell this....i heard back from one potential buyer saying that they didn't want to buy anymore and I still haven't heard back from the other.

My highest offer so far has been 400mil pure, but I can go lower depending on what the offer is. 

I won't accept:
Other halloween items
Mass hordes of creatu

I will accept:
Pure tu
CS eggs
Colored CS (depends on the type, auto trade would be bino on top of eventually paying off the rest with tu/other pets)

I may consider trading if there is a top 10/20 prize for christmas but thats about it. Hope to hear back from you guys soon!

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