.:[S][Jes' doing my job of a Egg Hunter]:.

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8:15pm Oct 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 232
'ello dere!
So yeah, I go egg hunting since I'm not a huge fan of hatching that much, but don't ask to buy my hatches, a person needs hope people.
So I go egg hunting for the following eggs, one customer per egg. There is a limit of 2 eggs species per person.
I NEVER do seasonal egg hunting. I'm a very unpatient person when it comes to seasonal egg hunting. I would throw a party every time I got an egg.

For example:
Bob: Tesuri & Mirabilishttps://knowledge.riverdale.edu/images/0/09/Check_mark_small.png

BillyBob: Ahea, Tesuri, Murren http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Ballot_x_no_small.png

BillyBob was wrong for two reasons (sorry BillyBob):
1. Bob already took Tesuri
2. BillyBob can't take more than two egg species.

So lets git' to it!





10K per egg, species doesn't matter, rarity doesn't either
Also max for each egg species is 20 eggs.


10:00pm Oct 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 232

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