I'm selling a few items and a couple of creatu. I prefer pure or credits, although I might be interested in CS wearables. Please offer (if you ask for a price, I'm just going to use the item database/check merchant/rancher prices).

Aerix Hat

Amateur Knitted Sweater

Atquati Pants

Black Grinning Surgical Mask

Bone Skull Mask

Candy Corn Necklace

Fake Vogar Teeth

Fake Zaphao Fangs

Gold Skull Mask

Myotis Halloween Mask

Zombie Bite

Ivik Scarf

Merchant Pouch

Otachie Scarf

Mirabilis Scarf
(check my showroom for a larger selection)
 | Name: Oggle |
 | Name: Skeeta
 | Name: FritoLays