yep XD selling these guys in my rancher,
Name: Brumas
Name: Felisity
Price: 6 mil 500k
Name: Gigani
Name: Hazil
Price: 8.9 mil 3 mil
Name: Lustiano
Name: Jeremii
Price: 1.5 mil 150k
Name: Noltarn
Name: Warblers
Price: 12 mil 2.5 mil
Name: Zarieh
Name: Forensicer
Price: 2 mil 15k
Name: Abigaill
Name: Defendor
Price: 9 mil 250k
Name: D0MIN0
Price: 10 mil
I can haggle on ALL of these prices, just send me an Rmail for a faster reply, or post here XD
i do take other pet trades, but would prefer pure.
i will prob automatically trade for an ezahni,
or even better an egg (yeah right lol)
i also take CS egg trades
I also have many others for sale in my showroom, except my ezahnis XD
i has many RWNs/RN/s, calicos, blondes, blacks, any color, u name it!
Go check it out and again, post here or Rmail me!