[S] Rescreatu Stuff [W] Other Sites

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9:48am Aug 1 2020 (last edited on 10:37am Dec 23 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 554
I don't really play anymore so I am looking to trade for other site I do play. Fastest way to reach me is to post here; I sometimes forget about rmails. Only pets listed on this thread are for sale. If it's not listed, don't ask about it. I do plan on keeping certain names.

Table of Contents:

>>Post 1: Intro & Conversion Rates<<
Post 2: Items & Currency
Post 3: Names
Post 4: Colored or Dyed Pets

What I accept:

  • Flightrising:
  • 15 Mil Tu = 100 Gems = 100k Treasure

  • -Currency
    -Familiars I am missing tle="" target="">HERE
    -Pretty unbred gen 1 dragons
    -Extra boss and retired familiars
    -Fodder/Junk Familiars & Appereal at 300k tu each
    -Dragon Eggs at 30 mil tu each
    -Full Stacks of food, 6k tu per food point
  • -Festival Currency 75k tu each
  • -Spare Inventory Crate at 29 mil tu each
  • -Fodder Dragon for 900k tu each (these will be exalted)
  • -Strange Chest at 2.4 mil tu each
  • -Ask about other items

NOT INTERESTED IN: Skins & Gen 2+ dragons(except for exalting)

  • Username: Takara

1 CWP = 4 Mil WC = 15 Mil tu

-Custom Wajas
-Tokens & Some Dyes

Waja ID-1113

Full game will launch soon, price may change.
1 Moonstone = 15 Mil TU

-Kickstarter items(We can discuss prices)
-Support Bundles(Will offer x2 the price until full launch of site)

    • Rescreatu - Accepting CP, may accept tu temporarily
    • 1.5 Mil TU = 1 CP
      I will take cp for all tu, pets and items on this board, but I will also be selling the cp for FR stuff only.
    • The only exception is that I will not take cp for cp items.

If you want to know how much they will cost in other site currency, here is a spreadsheet to help:

tle="" target="">tle="" target=""> tle="Currency Convertor" target="_blank">Currency ConvertorCurrency Converter

Everything will be listed with a TU price to make it easier.

9:49am Aug 1 2020 (last edited on 10:21am Dec 23 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 554
Items & Currency

TU Available to Trade - Nothing for now
CP Available to Trade - Nothing for now
RC Available to Trade - Nothing for now



9:49am Aug 1 2020 (last edited on 2:49pm Jan 14 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 554

I have no idea what names are worth anymore, so these are just guesses. I will look at lower offer, but it's not guaranteed I will take them. Most are on cheap pets unless otherwise stated. All prices in Tu to make it easier. Name marked firm are not open for haggling, these names I would be ok with keeping.

Some of these names are REALLY old and there may be double names on the site. I will list it if I remember if it is a double, but I am not checking every single one. If it is a double, you CAN NOT use a name tag or else the name will be deleted. You might be able to put in a support ticket to get the names transferred for you.

Real Names/Characters:

ACDC - 400 Million


Astray - 150 Million
Ballot - 50 Million

Cape - 250 Million
Crawl - 300 Million

Debates - 30 Million

Departed - 125 Million

Drinks - 30 Million
Forwards - 30 Million

Gentlemen - 350 Million
Hear - 300 Million
Impurities - 60 Million

Intoxicate - 200 Million
Kickstart [Magenta Valabex] - 100 Million
Lights - 300 Million
Masters - 300 Million

Ms - 1 Billion
Mutants - 400 Million
Neglected - 300 Million
Passive - 300 Million
Sickle - 250 Million

Slower - 30 Million
Smelt - 80 Million

Taken - 200 Million
Unliked - 50 Million
Vote - 50 Million
Waxed - 50 Million
Winnings - 30 Million

Other (Short names, decent names, etc):

Alk - 40 Million
Dep - 40 Million
Eta - 250 Million
Hok - 45 Million
Kaspersky - 200 Million
Sa - 400 Million
Se - 300 Million

Names from Clearing:

Arwyn - 200 Million
Bagon - 400 Million
Bios - 250 Million
Bumi - 1 Billion

Census - 50 Million
Chickens - 30 Million
Chidori - 300 Million
Chrono - 250 Million
Clasp - 50 Million
Clause - 50 Million
Cletus - 250 Million
Compound - 75 Million
Confidante - 50 Million
Container - 25 Million
County - 25 Million
Currents - 40 Million
Daniella - 250 Million
Dayton - 200 Million
Deana - 200 Million
Defends - 50 Million
Deirdra - 100 Million
Departs - 200 Million
Desperately - 25 Million
Devimon - 150 Million
Did - 500 Million
Diligence - 50 Million
Disjointed - 100 Million
Dorothy - 750 Million
Dragonborn - 750 Million
Eaglet - 150 Million
Edwards - 100 Million
Effects - 50 Million
Explained - 20 Million
Fran - 500 Million
Geek - 500 Million
Genin - 200 Million
Gerbil - 300 Million
Gothita - 300 Million
Grandiose - 150 Million
Grasshopper - 200 Million
Greymon - 250 Million
Grover - 250 Million
Handful - 20 Million
Haruko - 200 Million
Hiei - 1 Billion
Hige - 450 Million
Hikes - 50 Million
Hillbilly - 100 Million
Hokuto - 75 Million
Huckster - 30 Million
Ibex - 300 Million
Idealistic - 15 Million
Imposing - 50 Million
Inspects - 25 Million
Jackass - 500 Million
Jennet- 75 Million
Josephine - 250 Million
Joyous - 200 Million
Kane - 500 Million
Keisha - 500 Million
Knows - 50 Million
Kotaku - 150 Million
Kubo - 1 Billion
Latex - 400 Million
[On Hold]
Manx - 350 Million
Markings - 200 Million
Metallica - 400 Million
Millet - 30 Million
Ming - 350 Million
Monopoly - 500 Million
Mugger - 150 Million
Munster - 50 Million
Nativity - 30 Million
Ne - 400 Million
Negatives - 75 Million
Nixon - 300 Million
Octavian - 100
Octavo - 100 Million
Osborne - 75 Million
Pedicure - 25 Million
Pees - 25 Million
Pellet - 50 Million
Pendent - 75 Million
Perfumes - 30 Million
Petition - 30 Million
Pimp - 400 Million
Pitcher - 400 Million
Playhouse - 25 Million
Plots - 20 Million
Pocahontas - 450 Million
Porcine - 20 Million
Preset - 20 Million
Principal - 150 Million
Rambo - 300 Million
Reapers - 150 Million
Related - 100 Million
Rental - 30 Million
Rescued - 200 Million
Restocks - 20 Million
Roselia - 350 Million
Roulette - 400 Million
Saws - 100 Million
Scratchcard - 100 Million
Searching - 50 Million
Seizures - 50 Million
Shelgon - 250 Million
Shiba - 400 Million
Showpiece - 75 Million
Silica - 100 Million
Simone - 300 Million
Singular - 50 Million

Skiploom - 250 Million
Soldiers - 50 Million
Spangle - 30 Million
Speckled - 400 Million
Spinosaurus - 500 Million [Firm]
Sprites - 100 Million
Stylized - 100 Million
Subtropical - 50 Million
Succeeds - 50 Million
Suki - 750 Million
Surpass - 75 Million
Those - 150 Million
Tile - 100 Million
Tincture - 30 Million
Track - 200 Million
Trained - 100 Million
Translucence - 150 Million
Transmute - 150 Million
Trusty - 100 Million
Understatement - 50 Million
Uninstall - 100 Million
Velveteen - 350 Million
Venipede - 300 Million
Verbatim - 150 Million
Watchmen - 350 Million
Waterbend - 300 Million
Waterbender - 300 Million
Weakened - 75 Million
Wearing - 50 Million

Wilting - 30 Million
Wushu - 250 Million


9:50am Aug 1 2020 (last edited on 8:06am Jan 14 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 554
Colored or Dyed Pets
None have good names unless otherwise stated.

Magical Plushies

All my magical plushies are tle="" target="">here
You can ask for prices or offer.

Dyed Pets

Too many to list, I have a few full sets(minus rainbow) and even more sets without trance and rainbow. Some may have good names and might not be for sell.


9:51am Aug 1 2020 (last edited on 11:04am Aug 1 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 554
One more, just in case.

You can now post, more stuff will be added later.

2:19pm Aug 1 2020


Posts: 543
/Watches with interest. Hikaru is very tempting but I'm not sure what I even have over on FR you'd want.


2:25pm Aug 1 2020

Normal User

Posts: 554
@Tiberius - Basically I will take high price familiars, clothes, scrolls, and Genes. Still have more to add, but it will be as I go through my showroom.

2:37pm Aug 1 2020


Posts: 543
Okay then, I'll think about it. xD


8:57pm Aug 1 2020

Normal User

Posts: 221
Just replying so that I can subscribe to the thread. Be months before I could even afford one of the names I want.


9:01pm Aug 1 2020

Normal User

Posts: 554
@Ikuto A lot of the name I will haggle on, I have no idea what they are worth so I just threw out some numbers. Mostly the ones priced extremely high are ones I am hesitant about selling.

9:09pm Aug 1 2020 (last edited on 9:12pm Aug 1 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 221
The ones I want are Goku, Kurama and Naruto...maybe Lee and Ra....most which say you might keep, so I guess I'm waiting to see if you're going to end up keeping them or not lol. I wouldn't want to spend over $200 to get enough turnips for just one name then come to haggle and find out you've decided to keep them.

I don't really play on any of those sites much...everything I had on FlightRising has already been ran dry, so dv turnips would be the way I'd end up going....which is not a problem. I'd have no issue spending a bit every couple of weeks til I had the turnips saved up. Just a big risk for pets that you're not sure whether you want to part with yet or not.


10:00pm Aug 1 2020

Normal User

Posts: 554
@Ikuto That's understandable. I'm not in huge hurry to sell most of the names. For the ones I am thinking about keeping I will probably not haggle much, if at all. If someone offer the crazy price I listed, I would pretty much take it.

But I will say, I would be hesitant about any long term holds as I have issues with them in the past. So I normally won't hold them longer for a couple of weeks.

10:02pm Aug 1 2020

Normal User

Posts: 221
Oh, don't worry. I'm not asking for a hold. If someone else gets to it before me, then that's just life lol. If I find myself with the turnips to trade, I'll hit you up. No worries.


3:12am Aug 2 2020

Normal User

Posts: 221
Sorry, for the double-post, but I had never heard of Furvilla and had to check it out. I like it quite a bit, so perhaps I'll start building some currency there lol.

I used your id as a referral when I created my account. ;)


5:35am Aug 2 2020

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
I'm extremely interested in Kit, as its been one of my dream names to own for a very long time. Unfortunately, my math is terrible and the converter does not work on my phone, so I think 500mil tu = 5k gems in Flight Rising? If that's correct I'd love to buy it, and if not correct me and I'll still likely buy it.~ 


8:14am Aug 2 2020 (last edited on 5:00pm Aug 2 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 554
@Ikuto It is a interesting site, the different jobs are fun. Thanks for the referral. :)

@Alcarie Yep, that is correct. Please send over the gems by crossroad and I will send Kit over when I receive the trade offer.

Sorry, I didn't know phones would have trouble with google docs. Good to know. XD


You have sent your creatu Kit to Alcarie. Thank you. :)


2:04pm Aug 8 2020

Normal User

Posts: 436
Hey, I'm very interested in the albino Otachie. Maybe in the achro too but I don't know if I will have things for both. 

I have some familiars from event in FR. And a little treasure and gems ^^


2:07pm Aug 8 2020

Normal User

Posts: 554
@Otachie Ok, do you have a list of the familiars?

2:48pm Aug 8 2020

Normal User

Posts: 458
Ohhh, I need to do some thinking. Several of those names have been on my list for a hot minute.*Following


2:52pm Aug 8 2020

Normal User

Posts: 436
I have :

Tsunami gem guardian 
Ever loom gem guardian 
Shining crab (that crab is pretty tho) 

Also I have some of the normal ones that I have found when gathering items ^^

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