12:52pm Apr 8 2021
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Posts: 436
Don't worry ^^ Sending RC now
4:51pm Apr 8 2021
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Posts: 554
@Otachie Just sent it over, thanks. :)
You have sent your creatu Dese to Otachie.
12:44pm Apr 9 2021
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Posts: 29
oh golly.... this made me go log into FR xD i may be doomed
12:51pm Apr 9 2021
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Posts: 554
@pookarah Lol, well if you have anything you want to sell I might be interested in it. XD
7:14pm Apr 10 2021 (last edited on 7:17pm Apr 10 2021)
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Posts: 1,293
Do any of the following FR items interest you? And if so, what would you personally equate them to?
•Runeborn Chest [one for sale at 500 gems] •Firefly Tertiary Gene (not veilborn) [lowest at 350 gems] •Goldlight Chest [lowest at 225 gems] •Marva’s Expressive Craft Kit [lowest at 188 gems] •Marva’s Incredible Ire [lowest at 300 gems] •Marva’s Miraculous Reflection [none for sale, lowest opened one at 1000 gems] •Various Celebration Currency
I don’t play much, so I only have about 200k FR currency, but I started year 1 so I have a few old familiars and apparels I’m not sure I will part with (Sprites, Bears, Elementals, Loga, ect) but I might also be willing to trade as well.
I’m namely interested in Val.
8:37pm Apr 10 2021
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Posts: 554
@Toxoplasma, the two chest opens to a skin that is only about 25 gem and 70 gems, but I am not really interested in skins. I do like the firefly gene, the material to make it sells for about 275 gems, so would you do the equivalent of 300 gems for the gene? I am interested in the marva's ire since it opens up to a Phoenix and I don't have one yet. They only go for about 140 gems though. I'm not interested in the other marva items at the moment. I will buy all festival currency at about 400 treasure per item. I will buy any treasure/gems you have as well.
As for older familiars, I will take most of the older ones you have for trade and I am very interested in ones I don't already own. Apparels are hit and miss, it just depends on if I like them or not. ^^
9:06pm Apr 10 2021 (last edited on 9:07pm Apr 10 2021)
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Posts: 502
Hi! I noticed a few familiars you don't have that I do. I was wondering if you would be interested in a bubbling goblin, a chipskink, a chimera, a carrioncorn, a citrine cave jewel, a flamescale spearman, a flower nymph, a furious faun, a gladegift ambassador, a lithetail assassin, a magic nymph, a scorch paw prowler, a scythe kamaitachi, a shining cancer, a storm seeker, or a summer sphynx?
I don't know how much any of those would be worth, since I don't really buy and sell things of fr...
Poke a hungry Mon?
9:12pm Apr 10 2021
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Posts: 554
@Fennimage666 Yes, I am interested in all of them. I normally go for around the lowest auction house prices unless they are from swipp or baldwin brew. Those might be a little less. The only one I may not be interested in is the summer sphynx unless you will take a lower price. Those cycle into the shop in June for about 25k treasure, less than they sell for right now on the AH.
9:14pm Apr 10 2021 (last edited on 9:58pm Apr 10 2021)
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Posts: 1,293
I'd definitely be willing to do 300 gems for the firefly gene! So equivalent to 30mil tu? As for the festival currency I have: 10 Immaculate Tablets, 30 Magical Shards, 24 Deepearth Geodes, 33 Glowing Embers, 22 Eternal Snows, 31 Charged Sprockets, 23 Shimmering Pinecones, 13 Giant Sand Dollars, and 48 Messenger's Scrolls. So a total of 234 pieces at a total of 93,600 treasure. Would you be willing to round that up to 100k treasure to equal out to 10mil tu?
I have 200k treasure and 600 gems. So that's 80mil tu correct?
And here are some Familiars I'm willing to part with that you might be interested in:
- -Granite Guardian [120 gems]
- -Dripcave Deputy [100 gems]
- -Sunsea Pseudo [250 gems]
- -Smokebillow Sham [200 gems]
- -Bogus Manamonger [230 gems]
- -Jadecarved Decoy [270 gems]
- -Lavaborne Hoax [230 gems]
- -Voltspire Intruder [230 gems]
- -Sundial Imposter [230 gems]
- -Loga [130 gems]
- and I know you have a Shining Goblin already but I'm willing to part with one of those as well
Gentle Healer's Beacon [18 gems] Winter Wind [30 gems] Furious Headdress [15 gems] Stonekeeper Sash [110 gems]
I have less apparel than I thought, lol. I think most of my valuable stuff is on my dragons.
9:16pm Apr 10 2021 (last edited on 9:28pm Apr 10 2021)
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Posts: 502
@Takara doesn't matter much to me, I don't play a lot anymore and if it helps you complete a collection you're interested in I'm all for it.
Edit, found the prices
a bubbling goblin [100 gems], a chipskink [5 gems], a carrioncorn [3 gems], a citrine cave jewel [2 gems], a flamescale spearman [3 gems], a flower nymph [78 gems], a furious faun [3 gems], a gladegift ambassador [80 gems], a lithetail assassin [100 gems], a magic nymph [94 gems], a scorch paw prowler [3 gems], a scythe kamaitachi [3 gems], a shining cancer [78 gems], a storm seeker [3 gems], or a summer sphynx [25 gems]
Poke a hungry Mon?
9:31pm Apr 10 2021 (last edited on 9:34pm Apr 10 2021)
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Posts: 554
@Toxoplasma I'll pass on the shining goblin for now, but I will take the rest. So with the gene, treasure, festival currency, and familiars it comes to about 2370 gems or about 237 mil tu. Would you have anything else you could add to it for Val? Or are you interested in anything else? ^^
@Fennimage666 Alright, give me a little bit and I'll go through the list and look up the prices. :)
Edit: Nevermind, I saw your updated post. XD Ok, so about 580 gem for them all or 58 mil tu. That sounds good to me. Did you want tu or something else?
9:34pm Apr 10 2021
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Posts: 1,293
Hey, sorry I edited the post a little bit because I found some more stuff in my Vault and changed my mind on the gems (honestly trying to save up for the 4 sprites I'm missing feels like an impossibility at this point.)
Lemme check round see if I can't dig up some other stuff I'm willing to part with, plus I'll list my rarer apparels for you to peruse. (I haven't played in a bit so I'm still finding stuff I don't remember having!)
9:36pm Apr 10 2021 (last edited on 9:36pm Apr 10 2021)
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Posts: 502
I also edited my most recent post, hopefully that saves you some time, and I believe the total is about 580 gems, yeah?
Poke a hungry Mon?
9:41pm Apr 10 2021
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Posts: 554
@Toxoplasma Ok, just let me know what you have. :3
That is what I got too, were you interested in tu or something else.
You can go ahead and send a crossroad over to Takara with the familiars.
9:49pm Apr 10 2021
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Posts: 502
All sent, and yes I am interested in tu.
Poke a hungry Mon?
9:53pm Apr 10 2021
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Posts: 554
@Fennimage666 Sent 58 mil tu. Thank you. :)
9:53pm Apr 10 2021
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Posts: 502
Thank you too!
Poke a hungry Mon?
9:59pm Apr 10 2021
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Posts: 1,293
Alright, I think I've updated with everything?
10:10pm Apr 10 2021
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Posts: 554
@Toxoplasma You just added the apparel right? I'll take the sash but I'm not interested in the others. So for the gems, treasure, festival currency, gene, and the sash it around 3100 gem I think. I can trade Val for that if you want.
10:15pm Apr 10 2021
Normal User
Posts: 1,293
That sounds great, if you're sure! Want me to send it all over crossroad?