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8:01pm Aug 20 2021 (last edited on 8:01pm Aug 20 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 471
Can I buy 3 shaefu eggs with tu for 240m?


8:38pm Aug 20 2021 (last edited on 8:37am Aug 21 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 554
@GG I am only taking FR stuff for those. ^^

6:59pm Aug 28 2021

Normal User

Posts: 554
Changes made:

-Added names from the clearing, will haggle on most names unless marked firm
-Added a better list of what I will take from FR
-I will take wajas stuff once more, customs, dyes and cwp
-Lowered prices on some other names
-Lowered the price for the black kioka

11:32pm Aug 28 2021

Normal User

Posts: 19
Alright so I have a ton of stuff I'd be happy to trade for TU if you're down! Here's what I have:
- 1550+ Event tokens (i got some extras clearing through things) @ roughly 77.5 mil TU
- 3 dragon eggs (shadow, fire, nocturne) @ 900 gems/ 90 Mil TU
- 134 Random Apparel (none of it special) @ roughly 40.4 mil TU
- 88 Familiars (none of it special) - @ roughly 26.4 mil TU
- 500 Gems @ 50 mil TU
- Manticore Familiar @ ~260 gems/26 mil TU
In total that'd add up to about 310.3 mil tu. And just to confirm, when you say fodder apparel/familiars do you mean just any?
Also sorry if I'm packin in a lot of info here, but I also have some of the special/event apparel/familiars and I'm not sure if you consider that fodder or not so I thought i'd ask c:
Thanks so much for your time!

7:03am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 554
@Ruse79 All that sounds good to me. As a general rule anything under 6 stars rairty is fodder, basically not worth much and I will just melt it down. While there their my be a couple odd pieces that go a little higher here and there I just don't want to look up prices for hundreds of items. XD If I notice any of the higher prices ones I will pay more.

Event items and such are not considered fodder, those tend to be higher priced items and I will pay appropriate prices for those. I'm always interested in event familiars and maybe some event apparel.

You can start sending stuff over to takara on Fr if you would like. :)

8:02am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 79
i have a FR acount, but cant remember either username, password or email conected to it..
can i get you to check if there is an account named pastelle on there for me?

also do you know if there are any rules when making a password, like uppercase letters or use a carecter like #/&@! 

that would help me greatly to try and narrow down my guesses to get in xD

8:10am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 19
@Takara ok!! I'll get those sent now c: And I'd be happy to give you the list of the event apparel & familiars I have! It's not a whole lot but i think i have a few nice ones

8:18am Aug 29 2021 (last edited on 8:18am Aug 29 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 554
@Pastelle There is a user with that name with a Date Joined: 2020-01-26. I think the password just need to be at least 10 character long. It doesn't mention caps or numbers.

@Ruse79 Sure, I would love to take a look at what you have when you have a chance to make a list. ^^

8:27am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 79
that is not me, my account gotta be 5 years old at least i think.
what about the names Pastelgoth or pastellegoth ?

8:53am Aug 29 2021

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Posts: 554
@Pastelle None for the second name, but Pastelgoth is there with Date Joined: 2014-06-03 and Birthday: March 20?

9:20am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 19
Thank you so much for trading!! I made a list of the special stuff i have since I have the time rn c: Here's everything i have:
From monthly clan events:
- Bamboo breeze cape
- Boneyard Bard
- Conflagrent Halo x2
- druidic crown
- Electricians emblem x2
- Fathomsearch spirit jug
- Feathery fallout
- Frigid crown
- Gemologists discovery
- Greenskeeper treeshroud
- highland scavenger
- Igneous iguana
- infectionists emblem
- Light's charm
- Lustrous Mantle
- Scavengers tatters
- searing crown
- searing emblem x2
- Shadowstrike
- shady emblem x2
- standard of the shadowbinder x2
- Standard of the windsinger
- stonekeeper emblem
- Surgestream coat
- Voltaic Stormclaws
- Voltvolley implements
From other origins:
- Bloodshard chains
- Celestial Attendant x2
- Cindersphere baubles
- Cloak of the cosmos
- Conjurer's cloak x3
- Conjurer's hat x2
- Enchanter's cloak
- Firefly's kilt
- Gem trader
- Ghost flame candles
- Ghost flame Collar
- Ghost flame tail ribbon
- Mistlurker's garb
- nightshade cloack
- Twinkling stardrapes
- White raven armor
- white raven talons
- will o' the wisp

from monthly clan events:
- Crackling leo x2
- driftwood gem guardian x2
- enchanting goblin
- Marble lightweaver
- Spoiling scorpio
From other origins:
- darktouched chimera
- Ectoplasmime x2
- flower nymph
- Jawlocker
- laybrush larcenist
- misthollow agent
- snowflake nymph
- unlikely alliance x2
- willowmane deerling
- witherbough warlock

It's definitely more than I thought i had that's for sure haha I tried to sort it based on whether it's from an event or not since I can't remember where I got the other apparel and familiars that aren't specifically labeled with their origins haha

9:59am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 554
@Ruse79 Ok, I am interested in all the familiars.

-Crackling leo - 92g each
-driftwood gem guardian - 55g each
-enchanting goblin - 100g
- Marble lightweaver-35g
- Spoiling scorpio-75g
- darktouched chimera-24g
- Ectoplasmime-fodder, 3g each
- flower nymph-50g (I value these lower then ah since they come from joxar)
- Jawlocker-fodder, 3g
- laybrush larcenist-50g (I value these lower then ah since they come from joxar)
- misthollow agent-50g (I value these lower then ah since they come from joxar)
- snowflake nymph-50g (I value these lower then ah since they come from joxar)
- unlikely alliance fodder, 3g each
- willowmane deerling - 40g
- witherbough warlock-50g (I value these lower then ah since they come from joxar)

If I did my math right about 833 gems for those, so 83.3 mil.

These are the apparel I am interested in:

Conflagrent Halo x2 -255g each
druidic crown-27g
Fathomsearch spirit jug-90g
Feathery fallout-225g
Frigid crown-30g
Greenskeeper treeshroud-107g
Igneous iguana-67g
searing crown-50g
Voltaic Stormclaws-120g

The first 4 are from joxar, so I value those lower.

Celestial Attendant-50g each
Cloak of the cosmos-50g
Twinkling stardrapes-50g
will o' the wisp-50g
Conjurer's cloak-fodder, 3g
Conjurer's hat-fodder, 3g
Ghost flame candles-fodder 3g
Ghost flame Collar-fodder 3g
Ghost flame tail ribbon-fodder 3g

1537g if you want to sell all this, so about 153.7 mil tu.


10:02am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 19
Ye I'm good selling all those!! I'll start sending them via crossroads now c:

10:17am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 554
@Ruse79 Ok, I think I missed a couple of the fodder apparel when doing math so it was suppose to be like another 1.3 mil. So something like 238.3 mil for everything. I just rounded it up to 240 mil. Thanks for everything! :)

10:23am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 79
yes that might be it! 
now i just need to figure out the password and email i have used xD

10:25am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 502
The six fodder dragons I offered are ready to hatch, I'll send them over now.

Poke a hungry Mon?

10:26am Aug 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 79
forget it! 
i figured it out!

i did a reverse search for flight rissing on my email :D

turned out my username was Rhane xD Lmao!!

10:29am Aug 29 2021 (last edited on 10:29am Aug 29 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 554
@Fennimage666 I forgot about those. XD Sending 4.2 mil. Thank you. ^^

@Pastelle Lol, at least you were able to find it. Let me know what you are interested in trading. :)

9:13pm Sep 4 2021

Normal User

Posts: 65
Hi there
I would be interested in the Mahina eggs... I can offer fodder dragons?

9:43pm Sep 4 2021

Normal User

Posts: 554
@kaymeg I would take those, are you offering anything else though? Since it would be about 100 fodder dragons for an egg.
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