[S] Unnamed Achromatic Drachid

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11:44am Aug 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
Hi! :3 I'm Jess, and I happen to have hatched an Achro Drachid today, which is amazing! :D But...I don't really like Drachid too much. :c They're spiders, and spiders freak me out. So I'm selling this girl~

I'm not sure how much they are. I was told 800 mill.
Here's things I'll take offers of:
Albino Ebilia
Albino Ezahni
Black Aerix

:'3 But I'm open to offers. If she doesn't sell right away, I'll name her, but when you buy, I'll buy a name tag so you can name her. :3 Thank you guys. <3


7:02pm Aug 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

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