[Selling] Names, and Eggs, and Kir Points - Oh my!

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8:45am Feb 9 2020 (last edited on 4:35pm Feb 9 2020)

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Posts: 142
Hello hello!

Due to me owing someone TU that I'd like to get paid back quickly, and the fact that I can't stop buying things, I am here to sell. :U

Table of Contents:

1. Intro *You are here*
2. Names
3. CS Eggs
4. Kir Points & Uldavian Eggs
5. Etc
6. Accepted Items & Creatu/Buying

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9:27am Feb 9 2020 (last edited on 6:37am Feb 27 2020)

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Posts: 142

Not Priced/Up for Offers:
(Most if not all of these will require a Name Tag)

2/27/2020: Editing to add ballpark prices to these names as well! These names are NOT a part of the 20% off sale, as that is only for the names in the next list, however, I am still willing to haggle within reason on these. 

Amir: 600mil + Tag
Barter: 500mil + Tag
Cred: 500mil + Tag
Disembody: 150mil
Dune: 600mil + Tag
Gato: 600mil + Tag
Phrase: 500mil + Tag
Poll: 500mil + Tag
Ramon: ??? + Tag
Unsafe: 250mil
Youch: 250mil

Priced/In Rancher:
(Prices Negotiable!)

2/22/2020: ON SALE!

Prices listed are Rancher prices, so just post here or mail me to get one at the sale price. This will stay until I get my new debt paid and am back up to my goal amount.

Adulate: 45mil
Ampersand: 75mil
Automating: 45mil
Beard: 300mil
Carlyle: 75mil
Chute: 75mil
Conduce: 75mil
Confound: 75mil
ControlRoom: 50mil
Convex: 200mil
Deed: 850mil
Discontinue: 250mil
Dunt: 75mil
Elevator: 150mil
Extract: 150mil
FH: 50mil
Firewood: 250mil
From: 850mil
Gateway: 200mil
Ironic: 300mil
Irrigate: 100mil
Jailbird: 850mil
Kilos: 150mil
Lakers: 650mil
Lowercase: 75mil
Lubric: 45mil
Lubricates: 45mil
Lynyrd: 650mil
Manager: 300mil
Maygic: 100mil
Midtown: 150mil
Motoman: 100mil
Nucca: 100mil
Pail: 650mil
Realty: 100mil
Reiss: 45mil
Sensitize: 150mil
Simulate: 150mil
Smirch: 150mil
Sunroof: 75mil
Thal: 500mil
Theirs: 100mil
Volkswagon: 75mil
Vucca: 75mil
Waiver: 200mil
Willy: 650mil
Wilton: 75mil
Windshield: 100mil
Worsen: 500mil

Dog Breeds: 45mil Each, Cheaper if multiple
(* means this name is also a place, nationality, etc)

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9:33am Feb 9 2020 (last edited on 11:45am Mar 4 2020)

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Posts: 142
(Type will change monthly when Cash Shop changes)

Currently Stocking: Jahra Eggs
Stock: 0 Eggs


1 Egg = 100mil
1 Nest (3 Eggs) = 285Mil (Save 5mil per Egg!)
2 Nests (6 Eggs) = 540mil (Save 10mil per Egg!)

**Will restock once Retired Promo is announced!**

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9:36am Feb 9 2020 (last edited on 11:55am Feb 9 2020)

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Posts: 142

Ratio: 1 Kir Point = 10mil TU

Stock: 159 Points

Prize Shop Pricing:
(Other items can be bought as well for the above ratio, just listing popular items)

RSTU001/RSTU002 Frames = 450mil
Ivik Egg = 400mil**
Ivik Egg Nest = 1.2bil
Galta Egg = 400mil**
Galta Egg Nest = 1.2bil
Cyancu Egg = 600mil
Cyancu Egg Nest = 1.5bil

**For individual Ivik/Galta Eggs, I will not buy until at least 2 eggs are spoken for. If you are buying two, I will buy a nest immediately. If you only want one, let me know, however I will not buy the nest until another is sold, since I can not buy individual eggs from the Prize Shop. This does not apply to Cyancu Eggs.

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9:36am Feb 9 2020 (last edited on 7:08am Feb 29 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 142


Ratio: 1 CP = 1mil TU
Stock: Changes Daily, Ask!

CP currently unavailable unless in small batches, which will be sold in the SB. Should open up again mid to late March.


I can zap anytime I am online and off mobile. I do my zaps as "Pay what you want", meaning you pay whatever you think is fair or doable for however many creatu you want zapped.

I will zap up to 15 creatu at once! If you need more than 15, that is perfectly fine, but I will ask that you send them in batches. I have no limit to how many you can buy, however after 100 or so I will negotiate a price with you, as that does take up time, and will need more than 2 TU to make it worth it.

Rray Lending:

Have a metric ton of creatu you need zapped and don't want to send them all to someone? On a case-by-case basis I will lend you my Rray to zap them yourself and send the ray back. 

I will NOT lend to anyone who has been on the site for less than a year. 

If you have been on the site for a year or longer, I will lend so long as collateral is sent to me, which will be sent back to you as soon as the ray is sent back to me. Zapping must be done the day I send you the ray, with the ray sent back to me the same day as well. Collateral can be in the form of an Albino CS/Retired, a Black retired, 2bil TU, or something of similar value. I know that is a lot, but I am not taking the chance of losing an over 1bil item with nothing to show for it. If I know you I may not need collateral at all, just ask~ 

1 GP = 10 CP

Stock: 1000GP

Artist Ticket = 100-150GP
Carton of Mystery Eggs = 150GP
Gold Quil Stone = 30GP
Painted Lesser BCs = 40GP Each
Painted Metal BCs = 30GP Each
Platinum Custom Crystals = 65GP Each
Sketch Breeding Coins = 55GP Each
Scribble Breeding Coins = 65GP Each
Hybrid Custom Crystals = 30GP Each
Platinum Breeding Coins = 250GP Each
+ LOTS of other items, coins, crystals, etc!

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9:37am Feb 9 2020 (last edited on 4:34pm Feb 9 2020)

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Posts: 142

These are general items that I am always in need of. Things listed here can be offered in place of TU to purchase anything in this thread with their value being listed next to the item. For larger purchases, I may ask that at least 50% be in TU.

Random Morphing Potion = 13.5mil
Natural Colored Jelly Bean = 7.5mil
Name Tag = 6.5mil
Trance Potion = 13.5mil
Uldavian Stardust Urn = 75mil
Gold Stardust Urn = 75mil
Amber Dye Kit = 4mil
Lemon Dye Kit = 3.5mil
Orchid Dye Kit = 3.5mil
Magenta Dye Kit = 4mil
Azure Dye Kit = 4.5mil
Lime Dye Kit = 5mil
Indigo Dye Kit = 6.5mil
Rose Dye Kit = 12.5mil
Gold & Silver Dye Kit = 13.5mil
Uldavian Dye Kit = 50mil


Listed here are things I am currently looking to buy, along with my offers for those things. I may not have the TU offers on hand, they are just listed so you know how much I am willing to give. With that said, please let me know if you have one of these for sale and 99% of the time I can have the TU within 30 days, possibly a lot sooner based on how much I have on me and how well things are selling.

These can also be used to buy anything in this thread, and can make up the entire offer. If you are offering one of these for something here and my item(s) do not cover the value of yours, I will make up the difference in TU.

Achro Shaefu = 800mil
Albino Noctis = 1bil
Achro Noctis = 800mil
Albino Aerix = 1bil
Achro Aerix = 800mil
Black Cyid = 150-200mil 
Natural CS* = 2.5mil

*The natural CS I am looking for right now are all except Shaefu, Noctis, and Aerix, as I have enough of those at the moment. These will NOT be resold for a higher price, I will be dying them for my personal collection.

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9:37am Feb 9 2020 (last edited on 9:51am Feb 9 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 142
Good to post now, but willing be editing and updating!

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9:42am Feb 9 2020

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Posts: 513
Ballpark on gato pls

9:51am Feb 9 2020 (last edited on 9:51am Feb 9 2020)

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Posts: 142

My original plan was to toss it in my Rancher for the same price is Deed/From/Jailbird, so 850mil. I just didn't have an unnamed nattie to tag it to at the time. So maybe that as a starting idea? Willing to negotiate though, as I've had help with pricing names up to this point since I suck at pricing. x.x

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10:04am Feb 9 2020

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Posts: 513
850 kinda steep. Ooof. 

8:07pm Feb 9 2020 (last edited on 8:07pm Feb 9 2020)

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Posts: 142

I can totally haggle if you had another price range in mind?

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9:30pm Feb 22 2020 (last edited on 9:30pm Feb 22 2020)

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Posts: 142
Bumping since I have new debt to pay! Willing to haggle on prices here, including the names, Uldavian eggs, etc!

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10:35pm Feb 22 2020

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Posts: 369
hmm... how on earth do you get Uldavian eggs??

this signature is dedicatedrn

10:44pm Feb 22 2020 (last edited on 10:44pm Feb 22 2020)

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Posts: 142

Uldavian Eggs (Galta, Ivik, & Cyancu) are prizes that are available in Kir's Quest, which can be found by going to: 
Activities > Quests > Kir's Quest

Once you start your quest Kir will ask for various creatu in various colors, which you get points for. How many points depends on the rarity of what he is asking for, and you spend those points in his prize shop, where you can find those eggs and other items. ^^

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11:53pm Feb 22 2020

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Posts: 369
yea, that is what i have been doing ... I think K1R doesn't think that i am a legible person O.O!

this signature is dedicatedrn

7:55am Feb 23 2020 (last edited on 7:55am Feb 23 2020)

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Posts: 142

If you mean he is giving you difficult stuff to get, then yeah, Kir can be needy, lol. He seems to love to ask for Albinos, Blondes, and random stuff that no one is selling at the time. He definitely throws you some difficult ones, but there are skip tokens as well that you can use to skip over a pet he is asking for and move on to the next one. That can be found in the prize shop, but people also sell them for TU in their Merchant shops, so sometimes you can find some for sale there if you ever need it. You don't get the points or anything from the pet since you didn't actually turn it in, but it can help if he throws you something nearly impossible and you just want a new choice.

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9:19pm Feb 26 2020

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Posts: 365
Could I buy 200CP? :o

Art by Zen

9:22pm Feb 26 2020 (last edited on 9:23pm Feb 26 2020)

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Posts: 142

Sure thing, I'll toss it over now! ^^

Edit: Successfully sent 200 CP to Libro!

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9:24pm Feb 26 2020

Normal User

Posts: 365
TU sent, thank you so much! :)

Art by Zen

9:25pm Feb 26 2020 (last edited on 9:25pm Feb 26 2020)

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Posts: 142
Thank you as well! ^^

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