[T] Magical Albino Ezahni, Eleodon + Other Squishies

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2:21pm Apr 2 2023 (last edited on 9:10pm Apr 11 2023)

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Posts: 2,092
Updated: Added Albino Aerix, Black Kioka, and Achro Galta

: Albino Ezahni, Eleodon, & Aerix || Wanting: Albino Noctis
Have: B&G Aerix, B&G Eleodon, || Wanting: B&G Jahra, B&G Noctis, B&G Cyid
Have: RoseGold Aerix, RoseGold Eleodon, RoseGold Relcore Iubui || Wanting: RoseGold Jahra
Have: Black Kioka || Wanting: Black Omni
Have: Achromatic Galta || Wanting: Achro Cyancu 

Regarding the Albino, Achro, Kioka Squishies--
While I'd definitely prefer to trade them for the Wanted pets, I'm also willing to trade them for good names!
Maybe Tu/Pets; feel free to offer!

Looking For: Any creatu born on August 26th!
Year does not matter.
My dad passed away unexpectedly recently and I'm looking to use a special squishy on a pet with his birthday. 
Let me know how much you'd like for it.~

And lastly.~
If you're looking to trade a Black Cs'er for a different Black Cs'er I've got you. Just let me know what you're wanting and I'll trade.
This excludes Drachid and Shaefu.
If you're searching for a specific dyed creatu let me know and I'll see of I have it! If I do, I'll toss it to you for free. 
This excludes Snow, Rainbow, Trance, Uldavian, RoseGold, BlackGold, & Gold. 

Feel free to rmail me about anything! 


5:14pm Apr 2 2023

Normal User

Posts: 18
I'm dying for an albino ezahni, I do not have albino jahra, but I have a magical achro jahra and a magical achro cyid. Would you be willing to trade for one of those plus some tu?


5:41pm Apr 2 2023 (last edited on 6:35pm Apr 2 2023)

Normal User

Posts: 120
Hi Alcari!  I am after a Magical Black Ezahni or Sheafu squishy.  I can trade a Magical Black Jahra Squishy for it.  Feel free to rmail me if you'd like!

7:30pm Apr 2 2023

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Posts: 239
I've got a black saruka that im trying to get rid of

8:13pm Apr 2 2023 (last edited on 8:15pm Apr 2 2023)

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Posts: 2,092
AthenaShadow: I'm tentatively interested in the achro Cyid. I'd like to give it a couple of days to see if I can trade for a different albino, but if I can't I'll definitely consider the Cyid. Hope that's okay! 

Encore: Rmailed!

SabrinaBelle1: Is there a specific other black Cs'er you're wanting to trade the Saruka for? I can trade for any except Drachid or Shaefu. 


9:41pm Apr 2 2023

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Posts: 18
@alcarie: no worries at all, shoot me a PM if you don't end up getting what you need!! 


4:16pm Apr 3 2023

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Posts: 239
Got a jahra?

4:24pm Apr 3 2023

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Posts: 2,092
SabrinaBelle1: A black Jahra? If so, I do! Are you looking to do a trade? 


6:55pm Apr 3 2023

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Posts: 239
if you’re interested, yes. My magical black saruka squishy for your black jahra?

8:27pm Apr 3 2023

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Posts: 2,092
SabrinaBelle1: Sure! I'll toss the Jahra over. 


6:23pm Apr 4 2023

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Posts: 239
Awesome sending over

10:05am Apr 5 2023

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Posts: 120
Hi Alcari...have you gotten any more Black Shaefu squishies?  If so, let me know.  I am still after one.

3:24pm Apr 5 2023

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Posts: 2,092
Encore: Unfortunately black Shaefu seem to hate me. Dx Opened a couple more bags today because I have no self control and got an albino Shaefu instead...If I manage to trade for a black one I'll be sure to let you know! 


10:44pm Apr 5 2023

Normal User

Posts: 18
@encore, I have a black Shaefu squishy you can buy or trade for.

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