~The Lair~

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8:06pm Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 9:04pm Jan 6 2013)

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Posts: 4,744
~The Lair~
You come up to a small, quaint-looking corner store while walking through the shop district of your village. It doesn't seem like much, but something inexplicably draws you to it. You grab the wooden handle of the door and turn it, wondering what you will find inside.

As your eyes adjust to the bright lights, your mouth starts to open in wonder. What you see astounds you.

Inside is the largest mall you have ever seen, complete with a three floors and a skylight that lets you see the dimming evening sky. As you stare agape in wonder, something descends from the third floor, and you only notice and recognize what it is when it lands in front of you. It is actually a she, a beautiful angel girl and her silver Tesuri which she is riding.

    my avatar
She dismounts her ride and looks you over a couple times. She then gives you a warm smile. A voice as soft and sweet as honey escapes her lips, "My name is May. Welcome to The Lair, the biggest mall you will ever find. Make yourself at home, and buy as much as you like."

You stare at her in continuous wonder, and struggle to find your voice. Eventually you find it and manage to say something, "It's smaller on the inside."

May laughs and smiles at you, "Yes, you could say that, though most say it's bigger on the inside.* I hope you enjoy your time here, but here is something to help you."

The angelic girl shows you to a large directory of The Lair. Before you can thank her, she has already mounted her tesuri and flown away. You turn to the sign, and see an explanation of The Lair. This is what you read:

~What We Do Here at The Lair~
Welcome to The Lair. The Lair is a place for anyone and anything. Literally. If you find this thread and have something to sell, contact Megabyte, the Manager, either on this thread or over rmail. She will put any item, pet, service, etc. up here with all of her items, and all she requires is a 2% piece of the money you make. That means if you sell something for 100 tu, she will only want 2 tu of that. This is for her advertisement and other services to help sell your items. If you see something you are interested in on this thread, post here and she will gladly take your payment and give you the item you desire. There will be items for the rich and the poor, so come on in and stop by all of out shops.

~The Directory~

Post One-The Intro
Post Two-The Pets
Sub Post One- Effect Pets
Sub Post Two- Names
Sub post Three- Misc.

Post Three-The Items
Sub Post One-Clothing
Sub Post Two-Holiday Items
Sub Post Three- Toys
Sub Post Four- Misc.
Post Four- Services
Post Five- Rules


8:06pm Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 8:54pm Jan 6 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,744

~Effect Pets~

click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2349429);">Annona, Stardust Black Malalclick="return Preview.showOptions(1,2356786);">Jumperdoodle, Stardust Sepia Goiba
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2339914);">Nimir, Stardusted Sepia Paorclick="return Preview.showOptions(1,2236218);">Vediqu, Stardusted Sepia Meragon
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2158212);">Grake, Natural Undead Draquaclick="return Preview.showOptions(1,2378542);">Jileo, Natural Undead Kayoki
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,1963071);">Antlet, Black Undead Intesclick="return Preview.showOptions(1,2342837);">Choclaty, Sepia Undead Ahea

Biopharmaceutical (Natural Zenirix)
ChickFilA (Cream Chimby) <---- Only Possibly Selling
Counterintuitive (Natural Meragon)
Enthusiastically (Cream Ahea)
Environmentalists (Mutant Kayoki)
Expendables (Natural Intes)
Horses (Cream Otachie)
Incorrect (Natural Goiba)
PushUp (Natural Goiba)
Radiobroadcaster (Natural Zenirix)
Rephrase (Natural Uilus)
Responsibly (Natural Otachie)
Rewrite (Natural Meragon)
Ruffles (Natural Leverene)
Saddling (Natural Valabex)
Transcontinental (Natural Zenirix)
Uncharacteristically (Sepia Zenirix)


click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2428949);"> Antifundamentalist, Amber Berrokclick="return Preview.showOptions(1,2145093);">Artemio, Natural Mutant Draqua
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2390930);">Kantar, Cream Quelisclick="return Preview.showOptions(1,1723798);">Valiation, Amber Aukira
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2410093);">Oilore, Natural Ebiliaclick="return Preview.showOptions(1,2415325);">HornFais, Natural Ebilia
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2223185);">fluffocotton, Cream IluvuHallren, Natural Mutant Skaldyr
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2273480);">Graceline, Natural Easeroclick="return Preview.showOptions(1,2181162);">Hammerhed, Natural Mutant Sirleon
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2361994);">Maneo, Natural Mutant Kayoki click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2399830);">Unsler, Blonde Skaldyr


8:24pm Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 9:27pm Jan 6 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,744

Plain White Babydoll Shirt

~Holiday Items~

From left to right~
First Line: Skaldyr Engine, Aukira Engine, Valabex Box Car, Christmas Light Recipe Card, Mistletoe Shield, Draqua Gingerbread Cookie, Malal Gingerbread Cookie, Meragon Gingerbread Cookie, Myotis Gingerbread Cookie, Otachie Gingerbread Cookie, Skaldyr Gingerbread Cookie, Tesuri Gingerbread Cookie, Valabex Gingerbread Cookie, Zenirix Gingerbread Cookie.
Second Line: Ebilia Egg Bauble, Iluvu Egg Bauble, Jaaku Egg Bauble, Ebilia Corn Husk Doll, Iluvu Corn Husk Doll, Shaefu Corn Husk Doll, Poinsettias, Christmas Cactus Amaryllis, Glowing Ghostly Flower, Frost Blossom, Ice Flower, Icicle Darts, Frozen Scythe

Third Line: Icicle Knife, Ice Yoyo


From left to right~
Paor Wind-Up Toy, Tesuri Wind-Up Toy, Valabex Wind-Up Toy, Amber Dye Kit Squishy, Azure Dye Kit Squishy, Indigo Dye Kit Squishy, Lemon Dye Kit Squishy, Lime Dye Kit Squishy, Magenta Dye Kit Squishy, Orchid Dye Kit Squishy, Rose Dye Kit Squishy


From left to right~
Ebilia Skull, Gold Stardust, Silver Stardust Apple, Undead Club, Xespa's Charm of Protection


8:24pm Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 9:30pm Jan 6 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,744


8:24pm Jan 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,744

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