Hey there, I am trying to clear out my account of pets and items I no longer want. I've already sorted through all my pets, and I have over 200 to sell in the the "Selling" category of my Showroom.
Rmail me or post here if you are interested in one. I can give you a ballpark price and we can haggle from there.
*Keep in mind names might be hard to price, but I'll give it my best go.
As for items, I have most of the items I don't care for that I believe are worth something (still sorting) in my Gallery. Take a look there, post here or R-mail me if you find something you would like to buy. I will also give a ballpark for that, unless I have no idea how to price it which could happen.
I will prefer only tu for now, I may accept certain pets, but it is highly unlikely. Cash points would be alright, but again I prefer tu. The only item I would consider would be CS eggs, slight chance of me accepting seasonal eggs.
Later tonight I will look into possibly posting highlights, but I might be too lazy to do it when I get home.