Albinos, Mutants, Undeads, Dyeds...

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11:59pm Jan 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 537
Yup im sellin it all people. Talk about one stop shopping all you have to do is walk right on up to my little rancher shop 

Here are some highlights:

Albino Veram

Albino Myotis

Magenta Zenerix named "OddFuture"

Orchid veram named "Salmonella"

indigo zaphao

Mutant narwi (50% off)

And much more

Here ya go

Remember go to vol rancher for you one stop shopping. Rmail for inquiries about price or how vol has managed to become so incredibly awesome.


10:01am Jan 28 2013

Normal User

Posts: 537

5:50pm Jan 28 2013

Normal User

Posts: 676
18 mil for the albino veram?


5:52pm Jan 28 2013

Normal User

Posts: 537
Luvin- I lowered it to 25mil and that all I can do. Its the only one in shops so Id save.

8:03pm Jan 28 2013

Normal User

Posts: 537
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