Anime & RPG Character Name Sale

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9:23am Jan 5 2025 (last edited on 10:29am Jan 5 2025)

Normal User

Posts: 128

Hello everyone!


Well, the time has come to thin out the herd a bit.  I have been collecting various types of names for so long that I have forgotten what I have!

Because of that, I have decided to part with a few of those I think could find better homes with bigger fans of certain anime and RPG!


I have placed them in my Rancher, so this is a first come, first serve kind of sale, not an auction. Because of that, I'd encourage you to buy it if you like it, otherwise, it may not be there when you change your mind and come back for it! :U


I have priced each but am totally willing to haggle on any of them.  So, rmail me if you feel the price is unfair, but know that it might get scooped up before I can get back to you!


The link to the Anime section of the Rancher is:


The link to the RPG & Video Game section of the Rancher is:



There are plenty of other character names, RWNs, other sections of the Rancher.  I am open to haggle on any of those as well.


Good luck and thanks in advance for giving these good, new homes!


10:25am Jan 5 2025 (last edited on 5:01pm Jan 5 2025)

Normal User

Posts: 128
SB Add:

Hey all you Anime & RPG fans!  I've decided to sell off some character names, so come check them out!  Definitely open to haggling! [url=]

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