Are you tired of finding eggs?

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2:38pm Sep 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 55

Are you tired of trying to find eggs or buying them from the egg market? Or are you just to lazy to press refresh all day? Well then  you have come to the right place!

I am going to find eggs for you! Heres how it works!

#1 You tell me the eggs you want when you want them and for how long

#2 I check out how much they are in the egg market and cut that price in half! (You get special deals for bulk purchases)

#3 I find the eggs you send the tu and you are given the eggs!

Sounds easy right? Thats because it is!

Waiting List:




*Special Offer*

For your first purchase if you buy 3 or more you get 1 egg freeeee!

Zennie Lover!!!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

2:39pm Sep 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 55
Want eggs for half the price? come on over then![url=]

Zennie Lover!!!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

3:06pm Sep 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 336
I'll buy three meragon eggs

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