Bulk Food Stand

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6:08pm Jan 17 2017 (last edited on 7:16pm Jan 17 2017)


Posts: 2,156

As you walk through the market, you notice a peculiar-looking stand guarded by an equally peculiar-looking zaphao.

It stares at you, yellow eyes glowing ominously is it picks up a sign in its mouth to hold it up. The sign reads:

(This stand sells food items in large quantities. Currently in stock: 549)

You bl
ink at the sign, confused as you look around for the supposed food items. The zaphao shoves the paper forward towards you, which you hesitantly take, slightly grossed out by the saliva coating the top.

(The food is stored off-site to keep it fresh. We only sell the items in batches of 500 or 1000.)

500 or 1000? Well, at least if you buy the minimum your creatu won't be going hungry anytime soon. 

(a full list of the items is available tle="" target="">here)

You inspect the paper for prices, but don't manage to find them. The zaphao grunts and shoves another slip of paper in your face. Whoever wrote this sure did make a mess with the ink... or at least, you hope it's ink.

(500 = 10,000,000TU; 1000 = 20,000,000TU
prices non-negotiable at this time)

Of course they're non-negotiable, there's no person here to negotiate with. You laugh to yourself as you ponder whether or not to purchase food from the intimidating creatu.

(ad: Selling food in bulk! [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/bulk-food-stand/~page/1/#post_2090754])

Also: zaphao credit - zen~


7:12pm Jan 17 2017

Normal User

Posts: 95
Send me 500 and I'll send you 10mil :) Thank you sir!

Mmmmmmm..... soup

7:15pm Jan 17 2017


Posts: 2,156

Thank you! I'll send the items shortly~


6:29pm Jan 24 2017 (last edited on 6:30pm Jan 24 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 260
Send me 500 and I'll send you the tu 8D


6:33pm Jan 24 2017


Posts: 2,156
Alright ^^ I'll send it in a bit

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