Hello there Res user.
So basically, I'm trying to save up for beans so I can complete my ginger army.
Therefore, I'll be cleaning out my showroom and selling cheap pets here ((just offer and we're good. I can haggle oh yes))
Good. Yes. OH AND It would be lovely if you visited my Merchant also.
Take care x
Silver undead Otachie - Carrotboy
Natural frosted Narwi - DaVincies
Sepia Narwi - FailingAtLife
Black Ebilia - Kerioko
Black Kurrabi - Kanrrabi
Blonde Easero - Skwillex
Natural Jahra - Smrt
Natural Ezahni - TopLad
Lime Aerix - Toop
Silver Gondra - Johnlocks
MUTANTS (all natural) :
Kayoki - Aliyana
Gondra - Billias
Mirabilis - Fezzes
Drindian - Forevern
Sirelon - Fripp
Draqua - Josephines
Otachie - Lulumia
Myotis - Nocis
Skaldyr - Ruper
Zenirix - Swaggie
POSIBLLY selling Assassino the Trance Stardust Liyure. Only if I get a really nice offer on him c;