12:45pm Dec 11 2019 (last edited on 6:32pm Jan 2 2020)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
I'm leaving Rescreatu and will not accept tu for anything
I am mostly after Flight Rising currencies, but will accept Aywas as well. If you have to ask what either of these are, don't. I am also accepting colored Omni (will take an Albino for everything still listed (^8 ), Name Tags, or names from the most recent name clearing.Flight Rising: Amoeba Aywas: Juke #7625 I base my prices off of how much of the premium currency can be bought for a dollar and then either the popular conversion to non-premium currency or the official one. All of the rates below are of equivalent value.Aywas: 1 GP = 650,000 BP FelisFire: 1 Orb = 2,000 en Flight Rising: 100 gems = 100,000 treasure Rescreatu: 10 Cash Points = 10,000,000 tu
I realize that my wording is harsh and that I come across as abrasive, but I have next to no attachment to this website any longer. I am simply here to do business.
i.......Introduction ii.......Pets iii.......Books iv.......Clothes v.......Miscellaneous vi.......Art
12:46pm Dec 11 2019 (last edited on 7:39pm Jan 2 2020)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Pets that are not for sale include my Omni, Korvax, Sombra, Hallelujah, Pitch, Flug, Birthday, Polybius, Guzma, and my Persona, RP, and MTG names.
Everything else is up for grabs. If you ask for any of those, consider your entire post unread.
See something you want that's not listed? Let me know and I'd be happy to figure a price for you. Price is listed in Gems but I will also accept the equivalent in Treasure.
Bloodborne // Wyrae // 2,000 Gems
Shinsy // Iluvu // 500 Gems
Ayyi // Mirabilis //Stardust // 200 Gems
Baritone // Leverene // 1,500 Gems Belarus // Vogar // Frost Light // 1,700 Gems Bukimina // Jaaku // Undead // 400 Gems Heatwave // Ebilia // Elemental // 1,000 Gems Hoolemere // Uilus // Frost Light // 950 Gems Mierope // Ardur // 200 Gems Pompadour // Mirabilis // Elemental // Stardust // 650 Gems
Oreithuia // Ahea // Elemental // 200 Gems Peepaw // Sirleon // 100 Gems Salamandastron // Goiba // 500 Gems Zeromaru // Easero // 200 Gems
Demikhov // Zenirix // Frost Light // 150 Gems Litmus // Meiko // 200 Gems
Erzatz // Veram // Frost Light // 150 Gems
Antigra // Ahea // 50 Gems Doris // Kayoki // 1,700 Gems
Fauntlerot // Meragon // Undead // 150 Gems Introspect // Sirleon // Stardust // 750 Gems Partiality // Otachie // 500 Gems Sonbe // Mirabilis // 20 Gems Strikezone // Sirleon // 200 Gems
Ankora // Mirabilis // Stardust // 110 Gems Arbiters // Vogar // 250 Gems Azumane // Meiko // 650 Gems Barter // Haberisar // Ageless Adolescent // Cosmic // 3,000 Gems
Clatter // Valabex // 200 Gems
Cruxshadow // Mirabilis // 50 Gems Dune // Saruka // 2,700 Gems
Euphobia // Meiko // 100 Gems Flagship // Ebilia // 200 Gems
Gato // Jahra // 2,900 Gems
Hortensia // Malal // Elemental // 500 Gems Somalia // Gondra // Frost Light // 1,500 Gems Songwren // Mirabilis // 100 Gems
TWRP // Otachie // 150 Gems Vesuvius // Ardur // Elemental // 1,500 Gems
Abelisaur // Drindian // 50 Gems Adagietto // Roditore // 100 Gems Anabella // Mirabilis // 750 Gems Blacky // Myotis // 1,500 Gems Disgruntled // Otachie // 400 Gems
Doubler // Sirleon // 20 Gems Familiars // Zaphao // 50 Gems
Foredoom // Mirabilis // 70 Gems
Friar // Meiko // 1,000 Gems Grandslam // Ahea // 150 Gems Injuries // Meragon // 150 Gems Jellylorum // Iluvu // 500 Gems Kosmos // Quelis // 400 Gems Lechku* // Mirabilis // 300 Gems
Nectars // Zaphao // 75 Gems Nidai // Otachie // 750 Gems Obstagoon // Ahea // 1,500 Gems Pastor // Zenirix // 950 Gems Radomus // Goiba // 150 Gems Reveka // Veram // 100 Gems Riothamus // Vogar // 150 Gems Scheherazade // Myotis // Stardust // 1,100 Gems Smock // Veram // 500 Gems Tzipporah // Drindian // 300 Gems Ural // Aukira // Frost Light // 500 Gems
Argentinosaurus // Aukira // 100 Gems Bunyip // Zenirix // Undead // 950 Gems Echosmith // Otachie // 250 Gems Hester // Zenirix // Undead // 650 Gems Joxter & // Kurrabi // 500 Gems Laterose // Chimby // 150 Gems Porphyrion // Veram // 200 Gems
Quartets // Draqua // 100 Gems Tarbosaurus // Aukira // 150 Gems Velociraptorinae // Drindian // Stardust // 150 Gems
Aestivate // Gondra // 50 Gems
Ahoge // Leverene // 300 Gems Akin // Zenirix // 250 Gems Altered // Veram // 400 Gems
Amir // Liyure // Frost Light // 1,700 Gems Asanoya // Meiko // 100 Gems Aspidiske // Haberisar // 200 Gems Backstage // Otachie // 200 Gems Baseball // Zenirix // 750 Gems Batter // Myotis // 650 Gems Beezus // Uilus // 1,000 Gems Diplodocus // Kurrabi // 500 Gems **ON HOLD FOR TITANIUM 12/24** Equality // Sirleon // 750 Gems
Floral // Mirabilis // 1,000 Gems
Fritzy** // Aukira // 1,500 Gems Hoshi // Shaefu // 1,500 Gems Hotbox // Leverene // 500 Gems Knob // Mirabilis // Mutant // 950 Gems
Ligma // Narwi // 69 Gems
Mimzy // Tesuri // 1,000 Gems Mymble & // Kurrabi // 500 Gems Nechku* // Mirabilis // 300 Gems
Nishinoya // Meiko // 650 Gems Nonsensical // Kioka // Derp // 2,000 Gems Rely // Kayoki // 750 Gems
Scorbunny // Iluvu // Stardust // 1,000 Gems Seele // Kayoki // 500 Gems Singleplayer // Zaphao // 200 Gems Sugma // Narwi // 69 Gems
Supercold // Vogar // Frost Light // 300 Gems Swordhilt // Kayoki // 300 Gems Telly // Drindian // 500 Gems Titicaca // Intes // 300 Gems Treasures // Aukira // Stardust // 550 Gems Zahhak // Kayoki // 1,100 Gems Zany // Skaldyr // 750 Gems
Gayer // Zenirix // 450 Gems Strex // Narwi // Frost Light // 500 Gems Sweatshirt // Aukira // Frost Light // 400 Gems
Tallyn // Myotis // 2,000 Gems Towser // Saruka // 500 Gems
Atis // Haberisar // 350 Gems Stormchasing // Ebilia // 500 Gems
Aglaonice // Haberisar // 350 Gems Doitsu // Tesuri // Undead // 500 Gems Stickle // Tesuri // 200 Gems **ON HOLD FOR TITANIUM 12/24**
Monstrously // Ardur // Mutant // 200 Gems Noiz // Leverene // Elemental // 1,000 Gems Punkass // Meiko // Undead // 350 Gems Rochambeau // Tesuri // Undead // 500 Gems Welder // Easero // 400 Gems
Hummingbird // Easero // 650 Gems
Shalour // Shaefu // 450 Gems
Kirigiri // Draqua // Stardust // Undead // 750 Gems Pekoyama // Veram // Mutant // 650 Gems
Brainsick // Wyrae // Ageless Adolescent // Unknown // 1,500 Gems
Ramon // Liyure // Stardust // Undead // Frost Light // 2,500 Gems
Horrane // Ivik // Undead // Frost Light // 1,100 Gems
* = Will only be sold together ** = Comes with art by Zen & = Will only be sold together
12:46pm Dec 11 2019 (last edited on 1:30pm Dec 12 2019)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
A Guide to the Troupe Class // 50 Gems
A Sprig of Holly // 40 Gems
Ancient Scroll of Spring // 25 Gems Atquati Star Map // 80 Gems Eclipse Book // 1,000 Gems Fluttering Fairies: Stories of the Saruka // 800 Gems For the Love of Creatu // 10 Gems
Halloween Recipe Card 2011 // 50 Gems Haunted Houses of Reiflem // 20 Gems Mardi Gras Recipe Card // 50 Gems Memoir of Otroe // 80 Gems Mysterious Map // 50 Gems Perry's Letter // 40 Gems Phaeda's Journal, Volume 1 // 15 Gems Reiflem Star Map // 35 Gems The Great Easter Bunny Caper // 100 Gems
The Ways of the Turtles // 10 Gems Why I am the Better Sister by Xoria // 30 Gems Why My Sister Sucks by Xespa // 10 Gems Zenirix's First Winter // 15 GemsS
12:46pm Dec 11 2019 (last edited on 3:02pm Dec 11 2019)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Holds Starry Ring // Sagitaurus Crimson Dark Wing Cape // Sagitaurus Lunar Cape // Sagitaurus
12:46pm Dec 11 2019 (last edited on 9:59pm Dec 31 2019)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Regression Ray // 13,000 Gems OBO
12:46pm Dec 11 2019 (last edited on 2:11pm Dec 27 2019)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
I am ONLY doing USD Commissions.
Commissions are currently: OPEN
I will not do the following; - Humans - Anthro - Hair - Insects/Arachnids - Mech - Backgrounds
PRICES $7 - Sketch $10 - Item $15 - Clean Lines (Do NOT finish/color without my approval) $20+ Flats $30+ Cel Shading $35+ Soft Shading
For flats, cel, and soft, I charge the base price listed and, if I work over 2 hours on the piece, I will charge an additional $10 per hour I work.
3:26pm Dec 11 2019 (last edited on 4:35pm Dec 11 2019)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
This is a selling thread, either buy something or don't post.
I have a list of users who may not do business with me. If you post, I will ignore you.
3:34pm Dec 11 2019 (last edited on 4:20pm Dec 11 2019)
Posts: 2,165
Hello! I would love to buy Floral!
3:35pm Dec 11 2019
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Sounds excellent! FR is Amoeba, I'll toss the pet ASAP!
3:37pm Dec 11 2019
Posts: 2,165
Alright, thanks so much! I've sent the gems via crossroads, my username is Drift. c:
4:58pm Dec 11 2019
Posts: 3,218
Hello, I'm back! Could I also grab Hummingbird
5:06pm Dec 11 2019
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
You absolutely may, Zen!
6:06pm Dec 11 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 783
Hi!! Could I snag Nechku and Lechku from ya? I’ll pay half gems half treasure
6:08pm Dec 11 2019
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
heck yeah moth, glad they're goin to u!! I'll toss em over :3
6:32pm Dec 11 2019 (last edited on 6:36pm Dec 11 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 404
Could I purchase Familiars with FR gems? edit; unless you'd be fine with accepting a mix of treasure and gems for Injuries?
6:35pm Dec 11 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 344
I'm interested in Service the roditore, Clatter the Valabex and that azure Saruka of yours.

7:08pm Dec 11 2019
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
@Oddessia I'm fine with a mixture of currencies! Just let me know!
@Kalati 200 for Clatter, I'll do 400 for Clatter, and 500 for the Saruka?
7:09pm Dec 11 2019 (last edited on 7:12pm Dec 11 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 404
Then i'll happily purchase Injuries! I'll send the currency through crossroads :)
Edit; Thank you as well!
7:11pm Dec 11 2019
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Sounds good! I'll get it sent over c: Thank you!
7:14pm Dec 11 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 344
Did you mean 200 for Service and 400 for Clatter? :o
