So It has come to my attention that I need tu
anddd I am not very good at selling things |D so I just made a thread xD
Table of contents:
Post 1: Intro, Things I'm buying & Payment
Post 2: Pets for sale
Post 3: Items for sale
Post 4: Names
Post 5: Art
Post 6: Extra in case of need ouo
FOR the SB:
[] - Cherry's Legit Sale, everything from nice (dusted and ahcro) pets, items to Art, legit art. Trading stardusted pets for stardusted Miras!
THINGS I'm buying:
WORTH: From left to right:
ROW 1: | 5mil | 5mil | 60 - 80mil |
ROW 2: | 100mil |
Importance: Tags & a FBC
PAYMENT Options:
Worth: From left to right:
ROW 1: | TU | 5mil | 5mil | 60 - 80mil | 6mil | 3ml | 10mil |
ROW 2: | 30mil | 2mil | 30mil | 1mil |
Importance: TU, Tags and an FBC
I am willing to take some names are payment, but I must like them.
I am also willing to take high coloured pets, or dusted pets as payment.
I also will take art as payment, but I MUST like it and please don't guilt me into taking your art as payment, I will say no if I don't like it!