Hey there!
I'd like to keep this thread clear as I can so I don't confuse on which creatu are for sale and what aren't.
For Starters: I have a good about of RWN/RNs in my ranch all for sale and all can be haggled.
im[injection]portant: My showroom on the other hand I plan not to sell most, but you may ask about all categories except my ebilia, CS, and RWN/RN. You can ask about other creatu if you are interested, but I'm attached to quite a few.
To wrap things up: OFFER for creatu in showroom and if you fine any creatu in my ranch you like, but the price isn't good we can try to arrange something:)
What I Accept: TU, DKs, Name Tags, RWN/RNs, some creatu, and ebilia. I look at all offers and I'm willing to look through your creatu in showrooms and ranch for trades.
Happy Shopping!
Showroom Ranch