Come Swap Your Seasonal and CS Eggs for Some Epic Stuff

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5:10pm Nov 18 2014 (last edited on 11:22pm Nov 26 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 165

Only giving out prices for more expensive ones. If you see something else you like in my showroom let me know Ill give you a price.

Any nattie CS in my Showroom 6mil. The above is just an example I have many nattie cs pets of all species.

Dyed CS, I have a couple. The 6mil plus a bit more depending on the color its dyed. Ask on specific pets

Have 4 but im only selling three, 


 x1 40mil x1 100mil

x12(and counting) offer x3 offer x1 offerx4 offer
 x1 offer x4 offer x1 offer
x1 offer x1 offer

I know a lot say offer but I will come up with a price when asked sorry Im pressed for time.
CS Eggs*
  x (Let's just say a lot)
60mil Each
Payment Info

1 CS Egg = 50mil
1 CP = 700k
1 Seasonal Egg = 2mil
Will pay pure tu for what is listed above at that price if I have it.

*Prices listed are per item/pet

I have no sig.

7:47pm Nov 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 432
1mil each for the frost light icicle. Is my offer I bought two icicle this week for as low as 250k each.


6:12pm Nov 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 165
I was thinking at least 2m a piece and that's cheap imo. one sold for 8mil in the merchant shops and the lowest i seen it sold for was 3.5.

I have no sig.

7:24pm Nov 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 432
sure i'll take them . sending 8mil.


9:35pm Nov 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 165
Thank you Even

I have no sig.

6:47am Nov 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 21
Possible to trade Seasonal eggs (jaaku) for a Calico bean? c:

6:52am Nov 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 21
Or wow, I'm a dumbarse xD it says right there I can.. Derp.
So that's like 12.5 eggs. I assume it will be rounded to 13?

11:21am Nov 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 165
I've been swapping the for 10 actually just never updated the thread

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3:39pm Nov 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 165
I pulled one off to the side for you for 10 eggs let's me know if you change your mind

I have no sig.
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