I'm going to fill this in to the best to my abilities <3
Username: Porkydoll
Occasional or Full-Time egg hunter: Full Time I believe.
Planet you'd most likely collect eggs from: Scria and Relcore
Species you are able to supply: Most any from those two planets, although Malal's are currently not friendly with me, but that won't stop me from trying <3
Amount of those you are able to supply Daily: Depends on the species you're after but generally anywhere between 1 - 3 for Malal, Leverene, Zaphao's. Between 3 - 5 for Rare pets and 5 - 10 for more common pets.
Weekly: Approximately triple my daily supply (9 - 15 rares/ 10 - 20 more common pets)
What days would you most likely be able to send eggs: Mon, Tues, Wed, possibly Sun.
Rescreatu Times you are normally online: Not sure, Timezone is GMT +1
Res: 12:34. Here: 8:34pm. I am 8 hours head of res time.