dun sullin stoof aint i

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5:08am Dec 23 2015 (last edited on 9:19pm Dec 23 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 381
sullin all this stuff

*= willin to haggle
just ask ey

everlasting mistletoe - 70mil * 

frostlight icicle - 3mil

ghost meragon squishy - 9mil *

gold valentine pendant - 50mil *

itchy malal resmas sweater - 30mil

kurrabi club - 1.5mil

kurrabi snow globe - 2.5mil

natural galta squishy -  OFFER A PRICE

red valentine pendant - 30mil*

twas the night before christmas - 1.5mil

zaphao arm warmers - 2.5mil

also selling writing exerts for things like profiles and pet pages if you need them!

(and a whole lotta food. Rmail me for price coordination!)


12:11am Dec 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 381

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