Hey folks, I have a ton of ebilia and Jaaku eggs.
Like all these eggs probably weigh a ton if you were to weight them all.
I doubt I'd be able to hatch them all before they go old.
I'd like to sell or trade them for other things. Preferably things on my list here, but I will consider other things if you want to make a small list.
Ebilia: 40
Jaaku: 52
Value each:
Things accepted:
Blondes & Calicos
Achros: 20m each- 25m for Gondra
Albino: 20m each- 25m for gondra
Black cs: 150m-200m
Albino/achro CS: All eggs + tu
Amber dye: 2m
Azure dye:4m
Lime Dye: 5m
Indigo dye:6m
Orchid Dye:3m
Lemon Dye: 3.5m
Rose dye: 8m
Name tag: 6.5m
Random Morphing potion: 13m
CS clothing: Post to inquire
Varies, please RM me.
Varies, post name(s) and or your value.
Taking offers on Rare items:
2014 Halloween Spooked Leverene Shirt
2014 Halloween Bone Ebilia Shirt
2014 Halloween Jaaku Wisp Shirt
Baking Contest Bakers Hate
Black Kioka Squishy