Eclipsed Eyes, Haunted Stitches, or Gothic Eyeshadow?

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7:35pm May 1 2017

Normal User

Posts: 13
I'm looking for some items and I cant find them posted for sale anywhere. The items I would be interested are
  • Eclipsed eyes
  • Haunted Stitches
  • Gothic Eyeshadow
  • For these I'm willing to do a haggle of items that I have, being:
  • Vogar Teeth
  • Light Spiderweb Makeup
  • Sludge-covered rock
  • Wicked Skirt
  • Narwi Onesie
  • Jade Stardust Blazer
  • Spooky White Silk Shawl
  • Ezahni Bust Brooch
  • Black Ezahni Doublet
  • And up to 1 Billion Tu 

11:51am May 29 2017

Normal User

Posts: 13
Got the Gothic Eyeshadow! Still looking for Eclipsed eyes, haunted stitches, and nnow adding that I would like to get a hold of soulless eyes as well.
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