Hey there!
I know a lot of people here on Res hate the constant refreshing of pages while searching for eggs.
What a hassle, right?
I used to make lists of who was looking for what egg and then send them to them.
Then it occurred to me, i could do this for a little extra tu
since im always looking for the eggs I like.
So here we go. You leave me a comment on this thread about what eggs you are looking for.
I will have a reasonable price based on rarity per egg.
(I am flexible with the prices and we can discuss it further through r-mail, i have no problem with that)
I will not be selling any:
Tesuri, Zenirix, Meiko, and Gondra eggs i come across.
Those i am keeping.
CS Eggs are not eligible for this offer.
NOTE: As i get further into this, i will list the eggs and the price ranges on this thread. I just want to get everything fairly priced first.