Eggs to Trade

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1:41pm May 25 2014

Normal User

Posts: 558
hi, just as so many people i hav tons of some eggs and non of others
i would love to find eople whe need the eggs i have and that could provide those i need

heres what i Need

Paor (goal: at least 20)
drindian (goal: at least 20)
vogar (goal: at least 20)
zaphao (goal: at least 20)
ardur (goal: at least 20)

tesuri (goal: at least 10)
intes (goal: at least 10)
goiba (goal: at least 10)
zenirix (goal: at least 10)
gondra (goal: at least 10)


1:43pm May 25 2014

Normal User

Posts: 558
heres what i can offer in trade

meiko: up to 90
otachie: up to 50
chimbi: up to 30
sirleon: up to 50
aukira: up to 30
murren: up to 150
skaldyr: up to 50
valabex: up to 220
veram: up to 20
malal: up to 50
leverenne: up to 30
mirabilis: up to 12


8:22pm May 26 2014

Normal User

Posts: 558
bumpiti, still tradeing
also would accept (love) seeds


8:14pm May 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 558


10:12pm May 27 2014 (last edited on 10:13pm May 27 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 49
Tade you 7 vogar and 5 ardur for maybe 2 leverenne and 13 skaldyr?(no idea about the current exchange rate/value)


10:16pm May 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 558
sure, send them over or open a couple of trades (your choice)


10:19pm May 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 49
I've setted up two trades for you.

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