Farewell Sale-everything but gifts

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2:25pm Feb 1 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,282
So I am selling everything I got, except for the gifts and special things.
All my items will be in my gallery, and all my pets will be in my rancher. Nothing will be for sale in my showroom.

You can offer prices, and I will decide to go higher/lower or take your deal. Ask me "How Much for ___" and you will be ignored, unless you are new, you have a general idea of how much everything is.
My reason behind this is I have spent hours on pricing and in the end only a handful of things get sold and people still ask me for prices when they are clearly listed.
I am not fully leaving, but for the last couple months I have been extremely inactive and all my friends here have either left or are busy with their lives.

I am only taking Tu or CP. Maybe I will trade for a Very Rare pet,like a kioka or high colored seasonal pet, but don't bet on it. Worst I can say is "No".

You can rmail me or post here.


2:25am Feb 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 73
How much for the black grinning jaaku mask,ezhani gown and trance iluvu gloves?


6:46am Feb 22 2015 (last edited on 6:47am Feb 22 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,044
Arimasen your calico sirleon would you sell him for 15mil?

EDIT: sorry i didn't see the no showroom pets part ^^; my bad
Sorry Twilight.

Work in progress
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