Ok, so, I need to make a lot of tu, so here are they things that I am selling:
Achromatic Goiba Named Bunder
A lot of apple( If you want to know what kind, then rmail me)
Stardust Map
Naturam Mutant Veram
Natural Mutant Ahea
Natural Mutant Gondra
Gold Stardust
Silver Stardust
Silver Stardust Apple
Rose Cyid
Perry's Letter
Stardust Recipe Card 2012
Lime Mutant Vogar
Lime Mutant Drindian
Azure Mutant Otachie
Lemon Mutant Murren
Silver Veram
Stardust Kayoki named Lipe SOLD
Stardust Intes named Esperone
So, just post here about what you want and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks!!