Welcome Everyone, to Hazel's Massive Sale!
So anyways, as most of you may know, I'm totally obsessed with omni. They're my favorite creatu in the whole wide world and I want every color of them.
But you know what would make me the happiest Res user alive? Well, I'll tell ya! This little beauty right here:
A Black Omni!!!!!
So to get this lovely creatu, I need 1bil. Yes, 1bil. That's a lot of tu, am I right? But I know I can do this since I've been wanting to meet this goal ever since I joined the site. But not only can I buy a black omni, I can try and hatch one, too.
So I am buying Omni Eggs for 150-200mil a pop.
And if you have a liyure or kioka egg you want to sell me, sorry, I am not looking to trade those eggs for omni ones since the Retired Offer isn't out right now.
So let's get to what I'm selling!
Here is my rancher shop, where I have lots of awesome creatu for you guys to buy. Here are some of the creatu inside!
x1 ~ 11mil
x1 ~ 3.6mil
x1 ~ 3mil
x2 ~ 5mil
x1 ~ 6mil
x1 ~ 3.6mil
x1 ~ 5mil
Plus Many, Many More inside my Rancher!
I am willing to haggle on any pets c:
Thank you all for coming, and hopefully soon I'll get a black omni!
Donations are always welcome :)