High coloured pets, RWN and Transformers names

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12:18pm Aug 8 2013 (last edited on 12:18pm Aug 8 2013)


Posts: 2,161
So... After giving it much thought, I've decided some pets that would normally never be for sale are, because everyone seems to be having fantastic luck with retired CS eggs and I wanna see if I'll get some too. Even though my hatches are always horrible, who knows. Maybe it's because I'll be inexplicably good with retired CSers. So... On to the pets for sale. Now, I REALLY am attached to these, so I would appreciate it if the buyers did not resell or give them away. <3 But in the end, whoever does buy can ultimately do what they want. *deep breath* Okay.

Adelan. I want at least 15 mil for her, but if you're a little short that's alright.

Aimless. I would like at least 20 mil, but again, I'll take the highest offer.

At LEAST 35 mil for Altral. I've had him since forever and worked my butt off to get him stardusted.

Firespark. Her name is really nice, guys. I want about 10 mil for her, but I'll go a bit lower if it's absolutely necessary.

Jazzmaster. For the name, 7 mil. I wanted to bean him achro but... I just don't have the tu. 

Mindwipe. I wanted to RMP him into a wyrae, but again, my luck stinks and I have no tu. At LEAST 10 mil for the name.

Saisuke. 7 mil for the blonde zaphao and because his name is not terrible.

Shardclaw. 25 mil but I can haggle. He's albino and frost light, and I spent ages hatching eggs to get him.

Shebea. 50 mil, no haggling. It took me FOREVER to get her and I really don't want to sell her, but... Retired CS...

Moonracer. At least 20 mil for her, including the colour, name, and ageless adolescent effect on her. 

My showroom is open for browsing if you are interested in looking for something else, but be mindful of the pets I WILL NOT sell.

Anything tat is not in this list is possibly for sale. Just tell me what you want and we'll work out a price. :D 

[url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/high-coloured-pets-rwn-and-transformers-names/~page/1/#post_1963606] Auto is now selling things she never would've before!! Achros, albinos, names, etc. Come and check it out! She wants to try hatching a retied CS egg, so... YEAH.

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