So, urm.
I have to sell all of my SR pets.
I know in the past I've been really stingy in terms of pricing, but it's because I've figured out my problem.
I'm a creatu hoarder.
They say that the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem.
I have a serious problem. Like, a 200+ creatu-that-I-need-to-get-rid-of problem.
All of them except for the ones in the 'We Will Never Be For Sale' category. You may have a harder time prying some of them from my grabby paws, but, if your offer is fair, I'm sure that you'll end up with what you want in the end.
~ || Highlights || ~
Avalone, the male albino frost-lighted paor.
Price: Offer. The only one in ranchers is outrageously priced. I don't know how much the frost light effect is worth...
Alistyr, the male frost-lighted blonde vogar.
Price: Offer. Lowest-priced one in shops is 30mil. And that one doesn't have the frost-light effect.
Antagonizing, the female blonde veram.
Price: Offer. Lowest one in ranchers is 4mil, but it's not a RWN like this one...
*** Calico Female Kurrabi hatched on 2013-04-11 18:06:33 ***
You heard right. I've got an unnamed calico female kurrabi for sale. The cheapest ones in shops are around 29mil. I'm looking to sell this girl for around 33mil, since you get to choose her name and all.
~ || Payment || ~
I will accept pure tu, valuable items, and other valuable pets.
I also take any Skyrim-related names. Or Dragon Age related names.
And CS items or eggs. :D
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