JAAKU and more

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1:44pm Jan 5 2015

Normal User

Posts: 116
Jaaku Eggs x5
Curse of the undead x1 (Last one)

Guaranteed cheaper prices than Merchant shops and Egg Market.

Also cleaning showroom so selling some pets in there, Meregons and Narwis are probably going to be a no unless they're natties but please ask the worst I can say is no.
The Fjords are my personal pets.


1:39am Jan 6 2015

Normal User

Posts: 11
How much are you selling your natural Narwis, Iiuvu, Quelis, and Vaspi for?

3:31pm Jan 6 2015

Normal User

Posts: 116
at the moment I can sell juskas (Vaspi)  3.5 for 

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