Katana & other names

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1:35am Mar 22 2022 (last edited on 2:21am Apr 1 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 141
Taking offers on some names from my Showroom.

  Katana: Japanese samurai sword **sold :)**
Eloah*: Hebrew word for "God" singular
Stratification: formation of groups or layers
Zootype: Biological animal archetype; state of embryonic development shared by all living beings; animal representation of a god.

* means sale is for the name only. If you are very interested in the name and creatu we may be able to work something out.

Please r-mail me your offers if you are interested. Strong preference for tu, but I will gladly consider trades for items on my wishlist. See what I'm looking for in my want ad here.

Thank you to everyone who clicks on my ad! R-Mail me or catch me if I'm in the SB and mention that you read one of my threads to receive a free food item as a token of my appreciation -- no purchase necessary!


SB ad: Buying a Jaaku Disguise Spell and selling some pets/items to help fund the purchase [ url = https://bit.ly/3twbxMD ] including the names Zootype, Eloah and Stratification [ url = https://bit.ly/3wq6cIn ]. Also looking to buy a black Jahra, R-mail me. Thank you!

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